Drake and Rick Ross are just reading the info on each other's driver's license and calling it a diss
Ross didn’t even say anything
I heard ghostwriters and laughed my ass off
Fast food ass bars
GarageBand ass beat
Talked about Drake gossip but didn’t rap them.
Ross took an L
Ross always picks a name when he tries to diss people he called the fake watch accuser guy fat called 50 a monkey and drake white boy … niggas a cop this s*** ends there
Drake Diss was irrelevant within 5hrs.
It’s WWIII about to happen
We really should be concerned about other things
Ross should’ve kept laughing that s*** was terrible and Drake has crazy rebuttals for all that
Not complete
https://twitter.com/nfr_podcast/status/1779289089306509379that’s hilarious how he the first one to respond
nigga ain’t even in the ring he waiting to be tagged in 💀
if he got a nose job that is the sorriest nose job ever you cant even tell the difference
Oh sorry you been in the cave? Niggas been saying this on twitter for years
i’m not on the shade room and gossip sites man
Drake Diss was irrelevant within 5hrs.
Literally no one gonna be checking for this Ross diss lol
ross said nothing except for fake surgery s*** lmao
Drakes nose is the same exact shape as when he was a kid that line does not hit
I never colonized anyone. I'm from Utah.
Breathing in Utah as a white colonization