Notice no one is denying the ab surgery jab…….
Cause how we suppose to know or care? The f*** we suppose to care about another man abs for?
Notice no one is denying the ab surgery jab…….
Rick Ross needs bariatric surgery. He should focus on his weight loss journey. He should ask Drake for his lipo plug if anything. I hope he doesn't lose any of that money he keeps bragging about after the sponsors pull the plug on him like Reebok. Date rape rapper
Israel defending largest drone attack in world history from iran while western Americans are tuned into a live stream for diss tracks
f*** israel
Israel defending largest drone attack in world history from iran while western Americans are tuned into a live stream for diss tracks
We watching ufc 300 too
I'm Welsh
Why are you offering thoughts about Drake’s racial identity?
Cause how we suppose to know or care? The f*** we suppose to care about another man abs for?
Oh this how yall going out...
Israel defending largest drone attack in world history from iran while western Americans are tuned into a live stream for diss tracks
Hope they can’t defend that s***
Notice no one is denying the ab surgery jab…….
Cause ross needs that s*** too what are we doing man
Cause ross needs that s*** too what are we doing man
Cause how we suppose to know or care? The f*** we suppose to care about another man abs for?
Man is scared to fix his body like a real man would. Could never be me
Israel defending largest drone attack in world history from iran while western Americans are tuned into a live stream for diss tracks
F*** you want us to do about it bro
Sent a cease and desist
all it tells us that french was desperate enough to include drake even against his wishes.
this whole beef just shows us how many of these artists have been depending on drake, he is their lifeline and the label support looks a lot different when you dont have a drake feature
number 1 reason why ross i mad
aight, i've had enough of ak's stream until the next track drop
back to nia archives
That mixtape or whatever it is is so good
Cause ross needs that s*** too what are we doing man
nah he’s in the gym. hes doing the right thing.
Full version with AK sample and lipo six pack comments.
Ross diss out now cooked Drake.