Bro taking it back to 2012 that’s what’s up but i recommend hitting the dojo and sharpening your blade my dude
why do we think this is them
Because its funny
You cant see dude being the one singing that bs
Because its funny
You cant see dude being the one singing that bs
it would be hilarious but i dont think it is
You know lamonster is a Ye song, it’s possible someone else was using the name but I’m not sure if it’s op or not, not saying it couldn’t be
Based on what?
seems like the instagram is some guy whos last name is lamont, the rappers referencing kanye
also assuming hes from nova scotia why would he be at ohio state university
seems like the instagram is some guy whos last name is lamont, the rappers referencing kanye
also assuming hes from nova scotia why would he be at ohio state university
I just noticed that lol
You know lamonster is a Ye song, it’s possible someone else was using the name but I’m not sure if it’s op or not, not saying it couldn’t be
You sounding shaky ngl you thinking maybe?
That dude’s not LA Monster
He’s “The Lamonster” (luh-monster)
Like lamont lmfao
You sounding shaky ngl you thinking maybe?
why are u so pressed about dude lol
Like lamont lmfao
Yeah lol that’s the guys last name
I sound shaky cause I’m not sure I need info to assess but if the Nova Scotia thing is true you’re probably wrong
And if OP beats the allegations this s*** is dope
why are u so pressed about dude lol
Im cool we tryna verify if this another white boy saying nigga i hope thats okay with you