I'll concede that Tuscan Leather was top 5 beat switches last decade, and a top 10 song in Drake's catalog.
I'll concede that Tuscan Leather was top 5 beat switches last decade, and a top 10 song in Drake's catalog.
Top 2 last decade actually, how can we forget
Way better than the song posted in the OP.
Top 2 last decade actually, how can we forget
What's the other one?
I know you said top 5, but he top 2 and he ain’t 2
Okay but what's song number two?
it’s not a beat switch it’s just two beats
real beat switches are Smuckers or 90210 or Company
how tf is 90210 which literally fades in and out between its two parts a beat switch
but this isnt
Okay but what's song number two?
I can’t even think of another one from this decade that can even compare
how tf is 90210 which literally fades in and out between its two parts a beat switch
but this isnt
there's a whole instrumental break between the two parts
I can’t even think of another one from this decade that can even compare
Someone earlier said Dreams and Nightmares, they're right.
Someone earlier said Dreams and Nightmares, they're right.
Ok actually that’s #1.
Now I really mean it when I say how can we forget
I’m partial to the beat switch on maad city
die for my b**** live goat performance
Your avi dumb hard. Where u get that s***