you know what, nah this is dumb as s*** to go that viral lol. It should just be “if drake never put him on”
nvm you did say there are 25k likes
yeah that’s the part that’s shocked me about this
808s was not influential at all even though it's a great album
Don’t tell that to 40 or Drake
you can tell whoever tweeted that never listened to the dream and no i dont compare them anymore, just the super early stuff.. plus both of them come from kells anyway
808s is NOT in the conversation besides when he started kicking into the 80s music vibe, maybe paranoid and robocop would've influenced him
Don’t tell that to 40 or Drake
Ironically say what’s real freestyle birthing 40’s style of beats like that is probably where 808s actual influence on what came after ends. Unless we talk about niggas like childish gambino
And honestly trilogy sounds so different from both sfg/tml/take care and 808s that he probably still would have had some form of that sound. As long as he found illangelo actually this sentiment is dumb as f***.
I’d maybe even go as far to say take care sounds like that because of drake being influenced by Weeknd and idk why Ye is in any of this.