Now I ain’t got no kids yet
But this right here for practice
I hate to get the seats in the benz wet
But that’s how good your ass is
nah but the beat is crazy af
this is how a potential top 10 would sound
Now I ain’t got no kids yet
But this right here for practice
I hate to get the seats in the benz wet
But that’s how good your ass is
Not even close. BUT way over hated album. Fantastic from start to finish
Cole World (the song) bottom 5 in Cole Discog
no but classic song and beat
Cole World (the song) bottom 5 in Cole Discog
This? nothing mind blowing but at that time this type of song was very popular
This? nothing mind blowing but at that time this type of song was very popular
I hate that beat so much its insane
I remember being so hyped for this album, was/am a huge fan. Getting to that song and being like "I don't think I ever want to listen to that again"
Hook is fine though