Yeah like they more aggressive with it. I guess it comes down to my taste in women that's just my preference though some people attracted to women with that attitude
But see that's the thing. Preferring a safer cleaner approach is dictating how women should get their point across and telling them to not be loud and explicit about expressing themselves. They should go about that however they want,doesnt necessarily mean we gotta agree with it
Idk but the video definitely empowered the bloodstream to my cock i'll tell ya that much buddy
Let women rap about whatever they f*** they want
Why is this an issue?
Wayne was telling hoes to pop that p**** when I was 12 and nobody complained
Is rapping about lean empowering?
Not everything a woman does has to be for the feminist cause
They have the POWER to do whatever tf they want without giving a f*** what people think
I’m convinced it’s a bunch of bitter men getting no play criticizing the song out of some sort of void inside of them
who f***ing cares
Someone on twitter said men who are upset about WAP have never made a p**** wet and I think he is right
Someone on twitter said men who are upset about WAP have never made a p**** wet and I think he is right
But see that's the thing. Preferring a safer cleaner approach is dictating how women should get their point across and telling them to not be loud and explicit about expressing themselves. They should go about that however they want,doesnt necessarily mean we gotta agree with it
Like I said preference it what's going to judge who you cater towards. I could actually see and vibe better with someone more sensual and soothing as a partner cause I'm a chill person myself so I'm not gonna really be entertained by the flip side. There's no problem it being vulgar and loud it just means you're attracting a different crowd. Both can be very sexual and explicit it's just a different way of expressing it.