  • Nov 8, 2023

    I don't know, I feel like weed can lead to other things gentlemen

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 8, 2023
    2 replies

    one of these days innit

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 8, 2023
    1 reply

    serious answer: I think it can only be considered a gateway in that in places where is not legal you may be offered more from your dealer and if you been taught weed is the devil's lettuce and then u smoke and realize it ain't that bad you might wonder if ppl of authority lied about other d****

  • Yeah it is. First time trying weed was in 9th grade. 10th grade tried lsd, lean and oxys, 11th grade tried X**** and shrooms, freshman year of college tried coke

  • Nov 8, 2023

    yea more or less. same level as nicotine and alcohol but most humans i would imagine come to use these all around the same time so, the question is which is the catalyst gateway ?

  • Nov 8, 2023

    Depends more on the circumstances around when and why you are doing weed rather than the actual weed itself.

    If someone is struggling with life and looking for an escape then I think it is possible that weed can open their mind up to trying something harder to escape life.

    But the problem there doesn't necessarily come from the weed itself.

    It can also depend on age because a younger person might be more susceptible to try something harder afterwards

  • Nov 8, 2023

    If you’re a weak minded loser yes

  • Nov 8, 2023

    Being prescribed Opiates and Adderall and x**** from the hospital is the real gateway d***

  • Nov 8, 2023

    Life is a guaranteed way to abuse d****

  • Nov 8, 2023

    Been smoking for over a decade now and have never felt the urge to get into any hard s***.

  • Nov 8, 2023

    one of these days innit

  • Tubig 🌊
    Nov 8, 2023

    The whole concept of a “gateway d***” is absurd

  • Tubig 🌊
    Nov 8, 2023
    2 replies

    How yall talking bout gateway d**** in 2023

  • ghosting ®️
    Nov 8, 2023

    How yall talking bout gateway d**** in 2023

  • Nov 8, 2023

    How yall talking bout gateway d**** in 2023

    It's 2023 and d*** addiction might be as bad as we've ever seen

  • Nov 8, 2023
    1 reply

    I went from weed to molly but weed is sold in stores here and molly isn't so I wouldn't say the shift was caused by a dealer or whatever. The friend who got me into molly doesn't even smoke weed like that.

    I will say that environments where you need a dealer can lead to trying other s*** because it's offered to you. Where I'm at, smoking weed is so normalized that you don't really see that shift to harder d**** happen for most part.

    Personally, I'm not interested in trying much else. I'll probably do a bump at a party at some point because it's always around but I'm not seeking out coke at all.

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 8, 2023

    having a pc in my bedroom at 10yo did more damage than all the d**** I've done combined

    now kids got phones at 5yo LMFAO

  • Nov 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Depends on person

    It's just as much of a gateway as tobacco or alcohol

    But far more of one than caffeine

  • Nov 8, 2023

    one of these days innit

    Weed and life sxn

    A love and hate relationship

  • Nov 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Depends on person

    It's just as much of a gateway as tobacco or alcohol

    But far more of one than caffeine

    Caffeine is baby s*** tbh

    Drinking 3 coffees a day is notnthe same as smoking 3 joints a day

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Nov 8, 2023

    I don't know, I feel like weed can lead to other things gentlemen

    I think anything can lead to anything else, this depends a lot on external and internal factors and the environment one is located at the time when the 'gateway' happens.

    For example, weed couldn't be a gateway d*** in a farmer/countryside environment, imagine some random fella growing weed at his farm living in the middle of nowhere.

    Now imagine a random fella growing weed in a farm near a big forest, where he could potentially find mushrooms and be curious about them and finding out he can trip balls by consuming them.

    Now imagine a random fella living in a city discovering weed for the first time from a group of friends, friends that end up talking about other d**** and introducing the idea of other sensations with other substances in the mind of the fella that's just experiencing weed for the first time, of course it will turn into a gateway, but all this depends on lots of factors.

  • Nov 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Gateway d*** don't exist

  • Nov 8, 2023

    Caffeine is baby s*** tbh

    Drinking 3 coffees a day is notnthe same as smoking 3 joints a day

    Yeah I said weed is more of a gateway d*** than caffeine lol

    Getting prescribed too much Klonopin from a doctor is more of a gateway d*** than any of this tbh anyways

  • Nov 8, 2023

    I don't believe it is. Some people go on to do other d****, some people stick strictly to weed. I don't think weed can be considered the reason people do other d****