Man Uzi could really back his s*** back then. He was in his prime but it's honestly debatable that Yachty might be better than him right now. Probably why Yachty finally throwing shots
What? That picture in the last post on first page? That looks like friendly banter
he played a track on ovo radio where he sneak dissed uzi and when people talked bout it, he called everyone crazy and projecting.
couple days later OG version of the track where he disses uzi bar for bar leaked so now he has nothing to say.
Ahh I see, did his audience not fw the psychedelic album? I thought it sounded good.
Did you like that album? Lol
He also said he doesn’t want to be defined as a rapper when that dropped so I think that brought a lot of hate cause it sounded like he was pandering and s***ting on the genre that got him where he’s at so his psychedelic album could be taken seriously
Man Uzi could really back his s*** back then. He was in his prime but it's honestly debatable that Yachty might be better than him right now. Probably why Yachty finally throwing shots
Nah idk about this one. If Uzi could just consistently stick to his vision without buying into the fans like pink tape, he’s still ahead. S*** like pink+white and bank teller are him just sticking to his vision and everyone loves it
i am begging for uzi yachty beef
uzi would bury that little drizzy sponsored ed in 5 syllables
Man Uzi could really back his s*** back then. He was in his prime but it's honestly debatable that Yachty might be better than him right now. Probably why Yachty finally throwing shots
aint no way u just said any of this s*** without smirkin
bobbi althoff got more steam off one pod than lil yachty got from being friends with the biggest rapper for 5 years
The Lil Yatchy resurgence is suspicious asf. It reminds me of when all the gourmet food internet content started pushing tinned seafood in like every video.
They tried to sell it as a sophisticated midweek meal option when really we're just in a recession.
Was it after he linked up with Drake a lot ppl started to hate him?
I believe Yachty has been trying to line up his sling shot for a little bit and he was finally able to present himself to someone who would boost his career and with that comes hate. I think the moment drake had him on his plane for his birthday is when things started to change for him. But I think he’s self aware of what comes with where he’s trying to go and he’s done a good job, for the most part, at handling situations where he’s being critiqued. If he can keep it up, he will be successful because he’s been dropping heat
Yachty was the poster kid for the soundcloud generation that only popped because of a popular gimmick
He turned this around single handedly by showing his talent as a writer for others, dabbling in other rap styles and honestly his growth in personal style. He is one of the most stylish rappers out there and is favored by popular pages like Hidden etc.
After his last album wich was very creative he hit a streak and has not missed musically since bringing him all the way back into the conversation and changing the outlook. This new found respect also led to him being more visible and talking more wich seems to backfire. He does not have enough charisma to get away with being cocky it makes him unlikable.
Times Yachty was hated on:
When he first came out with Lil Boat, Brocolli, iSpy etc people said he was ruining hip hop
Teenage Emotions era, Joe Budden interview, plus it didn’t help it was a s*** album
The Cave ep with Kenny Beats (not big hate he just came off as a d*** in that)
Since then, he laid low I think he was most beloved during that Detroit rap phase
Recent year, working with Drake, releasing Lets Start Here and claiming he’s above hip hop, pretentiousness
Nah idk about this one. If Uzi could just consistently stick to his vision without buying into the fans like pink tape, he’s still ahead. S*** like pink+white and bank teller are him just sticking to his vision and everyone loves it
pink+white was mostly old songs from his prime (2017-2019)
aint no way u just said any of this s*** without smirkin
I genuinely haven't been genuinely interested in Uzi as an artist in years. Pink Tape came and went for me, there was only a few memorable tracks. This is coming from someone that thought used to be a big Uzi fan. I'm far more interested in Yachty's recent stuff
I used to be a big Yachty fan but he’s gotten lamer. He’s gotten way overrated off that psyche rock album.
Bro is reaching Tyler the creator level of pretentiousness and tbh even Tyler’s music has never matched up to how pretentious he is
Yachty has been hated since he came on to the scene with lil boat 1
I've been hating since that album this year tho
pink+white was mostly old songs from his prime (2017-2019)
My point still stands lol, s*** like bank teller shows me he still got it and can rap better than Yachty