wtf is she actually doing
I think she's saying the message pics she gets
Like emote gifts that have little words attached to them
So every time people send one (which i think they cost money and some of it is given to the streamer) she says what it is and acts it out while also saying their username
And its a never ending flow for her at this point so she is constantly talking now lmao
I think she's saying the message pics she gets
Like emote gifts that have little words attached to them
So every time people send one (which i think they cost money and some of it is given to the streamer) she says what it is and acts it out while also saying their username
And its a never ending flow for her at this point so she is constantly talking now lmao
every time i play this video i get stuck and cant pause it
theres some demonic energy going on
I need video to believe it otherwise this s*** extra capp
What in the tarnation
filing a lawsuit against you for mental damages caused by watching this
What in the tarnation
Damn internet never stop
they’re tryna shame a young entrepreneur
I almost got the gun and shot myself
video in bottom right
What in the tarnation
"Im scared of you"