  • Worst part about all this is that it’s going to drive a wedge further across the landscape of hip hop make it more and more unlikely people will be able to appreciate all of these artists. Sucks to see how things played out, since we’ve seen time and time again rap beef ultimately ends up making everyone look bitter when they’ve all had great moments together. I get there’s probably a lot of personal s*** that happened behind the scenes, but I wish cooler heads could’ve prevailed and we could get more collaboration instead of fallout just wanted to appreciate these guys in a world full of people ready to tear them all down

  • And anyone wanna come in here with the negative s*** can take it to the other threads

  • May 6
    1 reply

    Shiiiii it is what it is things happen people have falling outs

  • May 6
    1 reply

    Shiiiii it is what it is things happen people have falling outs

    Naturally, but seems like in rap and really in life the older you get the more you realize harboring anger is pointless. I don’t expect s*** to be some utopian paradise, but wonder if a lot of these issues could’ve been resolved by conversations rather than ego taking control. Speaking from personal experience a lot of time spent being angry about s*** that years down the road I can’t help but feel differently on looking back

  • May 6
    4 replies

    is it really that and they’re beefing? kendrick and drake songs were never like that. poetic justice is cool but it isn’t one of the best songs off that album. even drake and ross were making mid together like with gold roses. idk anyone still listening to f***ing problems. first person shooter sucks. it’s not that sad honestly this beef is the most entertaining any of these guys have been since their prime.

  • May 6
    1 reply

    is it really that and they’re beefing? kendrick and drake songs were never like that. poetic justice is cool but it isn’t one of the best songs off that album. even drake and ross were making mid together like with gold roses. idk anyone still listening to f***ing problems. first person shooter sucks. it’s not that sad honestly this beef is the most entertaining any of these guys have been since their prime.

    I think that’s totally fair and I can’t even argue with someone if they hold this perspective since a lot of hip hop is built on situations like these

  • May 6
    2 replies

    Drake was trying to peace it up. But apparently two goats were "kissing on stage".

  • Late 2000s and early 2010s were truly GOAT
    2020s really the worst era ever smfh

  • May 6
    1 reply

    rocky also in the howgh video

  • May 6
    1 reply

    Drake was trying to peace it up. But apparently two goats were "kissing on stage".

    I don’t think Drake is innocent in all this either. A lot of this stems from the Control reaction. Plus again we obviously are not privy to the behind the scenes s***


    rocky also in the howgh video

    Wu Tang Forever remix

  • May 6
    1 reply

    A lot of the 2010s rappers are going to be irrelevant in next couple of months too

  • Jbreezyondeck

    Naturally, but seems like in rap and really in life the older you get the more you realize harboring anger is pointless. I don’t expect s*** to be some utopian paradise, but wonder if a lot of these issues could’ve been resolved by conversations rather than ego taking control. Speaking from personal experience a lot of time spent being angry about s*** that years down the road I can’t help but feel differently on looking back

    Sure I can see that but also it is just part of the sport of hip hop it is very competitive so it is easy to drop a track and have the masses be a part of the event chiming in. Things might change down the road it is just human to go through phases both good and bad.

  • May 6
    1 reply

    A lot of the 2010s rappers are going to be irrelevant in next couple of months too

    Next couple months?? What makes you say that?

  • May 6
    2 replies

    There’s a timeline where Kendrick just sends his FPS verse. That’s the one I wish I was living in

  • It is what it really is man

  • May 6
    1 reply

    I don’t think Drake is innocent in all this either. A lot of this stems from the Control reaction. Plus again we obviously are not privy to the behind the scenes s***

    Definitely not "innocent" like getting at Rocky on F***in Fans outta nowhere.

    But since 2011 Drake has made up with multiple people he beefed with. Jay to Tory, Meek, Ye multiple times. But Kendrick's reaction to this showed me that he would not have been open to it.

  • May 6
    1 reply

    I think that’s totally fair and I can’t even argue with someone if they hold this perspective since a lot of hip hop is built on situations like these

    the blog era needed something like this. none of these guys were putting out stuff as good as their 2011-2016 stuff so it needed moments like these.

  • v12

    the blog era needed something like this. none of these guys were putting out stuff as good as their 2011-2016 stuff so it needed moments like these.

    I can respect that for sure. To say it didn’t motivated these guys to jump off the porch would be disingenuous. I think a similar effort could’ve been achieved had they been open to collabing more as well though

  • OVHoe Freight

    There’s a timeline where Kendrick just sends his FPS verse. That’s the one I wish I was living in

    Same honestly. If that’s really the simple answer to where all this stemmed from it’s ridiculous on both sides especially for how far they took this

  • May 6
    1 reply

    Next couple months?? What makes you say that?

    I stopped listen to future since 2019 all his s*** been the same since.

    Rick Ross music is sub par with out a drake feature.

    Rocky’s discography been okay but has he had any hits since testing album dropped?

  • Why Drake sxn I wanted to discuss with the music sxn

  • It all seems to stem from jealousy and ego.

  • MiguelMeyerz

    Definitely not "innocent" like getting at Rocky on F***in Fans outta nowhere.

    But since 2011 Drake has made up with multiple people he beefed with. Jay to Tory, Meek, Ye multiple times. But Kendrick's reaction to this showed me that he would not have been open to it.

    I hope if Drake takes anything out of this it’s that taking unsolicited shots at people (especially women) is not the wave. Nobody likes that s***

  • Mended

    I stopped listen to future since 2019 all his s*** been the same since.

    Rick Ross music is sub par with out a drake feature.

    Rocky’s discography been okay but has he had any hits since testing album dropped?

    I can dive into all that but I will keep it simple. Sure I see your point but who really is newer that is just gonna over shadow all these 2010 rappers. I’m not disagreeing with your point but the thing that caught my attention was you said months. I personally don’t find that to be true but that’s just me.