Watching this Beatles documentary and they spoke about the amount of music they released in relation to quality.
Mozart released like 900 songs with 100 incredible, 800 decent to great
Beethoven 700, 100 incredible, 600 decent to great.
The Beatles released 227 songs with the majors incredible and very little decent to great
And the next artist from there has to be Wayne. Involved in over 1000 songs with 200/300 incredible with the rest decent to great.
get the beatles outta here
Beatles have to be included. Not many artist can release Revolver, Sgt Peppers, Magical Mystery tour and The White Album quality in a row
i think i've gotten dumber
Crazy seeing wayne put in the same category as these bozos right?
Crazy seeing wayne put in the same category as these bozos right?
i agree
i wish i liked the beatles more but like i said before i only care about revolver and some of white album
i agree
i wish i liked the beatles more but like i said before i only care about revolver and some of white album
Only listened to sgt pepper wasnt that impressed
Only listened to sgt pepper wasnt that impressed
i would check out their earlier stuff i didnt like Sgt Pepper but i like their older music
Only listened to sgt pepper wasnt that impressed
listen to revolver its pretty good imo
beethoven and wayne are in a diff league as the other two tho
beethoven and wayne are in a diff league as the other two tho
never listened to beethoven but i agree with wayne
never listened to beethoven but i agree with wayne
cant stand most of mozart music but beethoven got bangers on bangers