Gotta give credit to @02Shaq he put us in the lead w his post
@02Shaq ur contribution will not be forgotten
MAGA musician EpisodeMusic, spurned by online forum "KTT2", complains to Tucker Carlson: ‘People are so mean’
Yeah Im apart of the violence problem for sure because if I ever saw you Id beat the f*** out of you
Acting tough on the internet behind your keyboard
MAGA musician EpisodeMusic, spurned by online forum "KTT2", complains to Tucker Carlson: ‘People are so mean’
MAGA musician EpisodeMusic, spurned by online forum "KTT2", complains to Tucker Carlson: ‘People are so mean’
I wanted to post that ab soul pic so badly but that posting pics rule had me running scared
MAGA musician EpisodeMusic, spurned by online forum "KTT2", complains to Tucker Carlson: ‘People are so mean’
Goddamn it keeps gettin better
I know its some white boys itt playing along but in they head like “op was a real one, only the trill understand 💯”
that worst thing about this thread is that OP really thought he had one
i mean im sure he geniunely thought more people would be on his side. "cancel culture has gone too far" is a common talking point within certain circles, it just so happens ktt2 isn't one of them at least not these days
MAGA musician EpisodeMusic, spurned by online forum "KTT2", complains to Tucker Carlson: ‘People are so mean’
Yo yall niggas are crazy
This just made it official, classic thread
@02Shaq ur contribution will not be forgotten
Shoutout @Bo_Ceephus for exposing OPs wild tweets
His Twitter was public on here. It's fair game at this point.