She ain't never never been to Pluto, yeah
Young nigga stay in the same drama,
F***in' on another nigga baby mama,
Got a hood b**** named Shayanna
i imagine this is what naruto filler eps are to naruto
Everything uzi put out in 2020 was like that 100 episodes straight of filler episodes between og naruto and shippuden
i imagine this is what naruto filler eps are to naruto
it is but like some of the naruto filler episodes its got some gems hidden within it
Everything uzi put out in 2020 was like that 100 episodes straight of filler episodes between og naruto and shippuden
She ain't never never been to Pluto, yeah
Young nigga stay in the same drama,
F***in' on another nigga baby mama,
Got a hood b**** named Shayanna
Never been to Pluto