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  • Nov 20, 2019


  • Nov 20, 2019

  • Nov 21, 2019
    1 reply

    once every few months im like what if i become an egirl just for the meme

    but then i remember that i start to feel incredibly bad for coomers
    and also get irked when guys flirt w me bc i hate small talk

    oopth !!!

  • Nov 21, 2019
    1 reply
    i am sasuke

    once every few months im like what if i become an egirl just for the meme

    but then i remember that i start to feel incredibly bad for coomers
    and also get irked when guys flirt w me bc i hate small talk

    oopth !!!

    why do u feel bad for me

  • Nov 21, 2019
    1 reply

    why do u feel bad for me

    are you happy

  • Nov 21, 2019
    1 reply
    i am sasuke

    are you happy

    when i coom

  • Nov 21, 2019
    1 reply

    when i coom

    but the more you coom the sadder you are when u are not cooming

  • Nov 21, 2019
    1 reply
    i am sasuke

    but the more you coom the sadder you are when u are not cooming

    im trying to go so far down in deep depression that i bury myself into hell and make a deal with devil & change my life

  • Nov 21, 2019

    im trying to go so far down in deep depression that i bury myself into hell and make a deal with devil & change my life

    and that is why i feel bad.....

    i generally just want people to be well : /////

    i hope you find the motivation to work on your wellness soon chief,,, life is pain but finding cool things that are vaguely engaging for you to work on in a "productive" way is honestly just a lot more fulfilling than cooming
    like not to be corny, but mental wellness i believe ties heavily into feeling like you're accomplishing something productive, esp if you focus on just really small goals. learning a new skill like coding, learning how to draw, etc. wld all be examples. don't feel pressured to produce each and every day, but feeling proud of s*** you've done is mad dope, and you'll feel a lot more engaged in your own life and feel like you have just more control in general

    plus i feel a lot more like engaging with people if i feel like i have progressed a tiny bit in some manner since i last talked to them... i realized i started ducking engagements for a lil while j bc i didnt feel like i had enough going on in my life at that moment. maybe that applies for you, maybe it doesnt

  • Nov 21, 2019

    Idk back in 2015 it was leaked how much the top earners on MFC made.

    And this was only in 10 month period.

    olivia the jordan of this s***

    retired twice still obliterating these other niggas

  • Nov 21, 2019

    There’s guys who do that too

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