  • Mar 16, 2023

    Think about this. I'm a 90s baby. All my life my parents told me that I'm frying my brain on the computer and brainwashing myself all day on the Internet. Especially remember friends not being able to go on Facebook in middle school.

    But fast forward 15 years and Facebook is a cesspool of misinformation, and conspiracies. And how old is the demographic usually? Older people our parents age.

    It's even more funny because most boomers are brainwashed on FB, the very app majority would yell at their kids for being on all day years ago.

  • Mar 16, 2023
    3 replies

    Says a lot about society

  • Mar 16, 2023

    I was literally led in bed the other day and I was like think about this. I'm a 90s baby. All my life my parents told me that I'm frying my brain on the computer and brainwashing myself all day on the Internet. Especially remember friends not being able to go on Facebook in middle school.
    But fast forward 15 years and Facebook is a cesspool of misinformation, and conspiracies. And how old is the demographic usually? Older people our parents age.
    It's even more funny because most boomers are brainwashed on FB, the very app majority would yell at their kids for being on all day years ago.

  • Mar 16, 2023
    1 reply

    You know what‘s blowing my back rn? I'm a 90s baby. All my life my parents told me that I'm frying my brain on the computer and brainwashing myself all day on the Internet. Especially remember friends not being able to go on Facebook in middle school.
    But fast forward 15 years and Facebook is a cesspool of misinformation, and conspiracies. And how old is the demographic usually? Older people our parents age.
    It's even more funny because most boomers are brainwashed on FB, the very app majority would yell at their kids for being on all day years ago.

  • Mar 16, 2023

    Says a lot about society

  • Mar 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Non delusion as a form of moral achievement is the modern virtue

  • Mar 16, 2023
    Jowe Buddew

    Non delusion as a form of moral achievement is the modern virtue

    Will be lost to time

  • Mar 16, 2023

    this is deep

  • Mar 16, 2023

    I hope Chanel2 is smarter

  • Mar 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Well tbh it is important for parents to be aware of the potential influence of social media on their beliefs and to approach the information they encounter critically. They should seek out a range of sources and perspectives and be willing to question their own assumptions and biases. Additionally, it can be helpful for parents to engage in conversations with other parents and professionals outside of social media to get a more well-rounded perspective on parenting issues.

  • Mar 16, 2023

    You know what‘s blowing my back rn? I'm a 90s baby. All my life my parents told me that I'm frying my brain on the computer and brainwashing myself all day on the Internet. Especially remember friends not being able to go on Facebook in middle school.
    But fast forward 15 years and Facebook is a cesspool of misinformation, and conspiracies. And how old is the demographic usually? Older people our parents age.
    It's even more funny because most boomers are brainwashed on FB, the very app majority would yell at their kids for being on all day years ago.

    Ya hepinizin amına koyum😂

  • Mar 16, 2023

    Well tbh it is important for parents to be aware of the potential influence of social media on their beliefs and to approach the information they encounter critically. They should seek out a range of sources and perspectives and be willing to question their own assumptions and biases. Additionally, it can be helpful for parents to engage in conversations with other parents and professionals outside of social media to get a more well-rounded perspective on parenting issues.

    I'm not talking about parenting issues peri know that being on social media for kids is not good overall. I just find it funny that they thought we were the ones that were getting brainwashed and then just proceeded to get brainwashed by the same thing themselves

  • Mar 16, 2023

    Hold on I'm talking brother.

  • @op They are joking, but I get what you mean. In my later 20s, I'm starting to see my parents use social media just as I am today with a lot of the content they consume being just crazy ass s***.

    It's because people their age are speaking to them through these platforms as well.

  • ghosting ®️
    Mar 16, 2023
    1 reply


  • Mar 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Piensa sobre esto. Soy un bebé de los 90. Toda mi vida mis padres me dijeron que me freía el cerebro en la computadora y me lavaba el cerebro todo el día en Internet. Recuerde especialmente a los amigos que no pudieron acceder a Facebook en la escuela secundaria.
    Pero 15 años después, Facebook es un pozo negro de desinformación y conspiraciones. ¿Y qué edad suele tener el grupo demográfico? Las personas mayores envejecen nuestros padres.
    Es aún más divertido porque a la mayoría de los boomers les lavan el cerebro en FB, la mayoría de las aplicaciones les gritaba a sus hijos por estar todo el día hace años.

  • Mar 16, 2023
    1 reply

    I'm glad my parents

    1st: Never fear-mongered me off the internet by saying I'd get brainwashed

    2nd: Don't make anything on Facebook political

  • Mar 16, 2023

    Piensa sobre esto. Soy un bebé de los 90. Toda mi vida mis padres me dijeron que me freía el cerebro en la computadora y me lavaba el cerebro todo el día en Internet. Recuerde especialmente a los amigos que no pudieron acceder a Facebook en la escuela secundaria.
    Pero 15 años después, Facebook es un pozo negro de desinformación y conspiraciones. ¿Y qué edad suele tener el grupo demográfico? Las personas mayores envejecen nuestros padres.
    Es aún más divertido porque a la mayoría de los boomers les lavan el cerebro en FB, la mayoría de las aplicaciones les gritaba a sus hijos por estar todo el día hace años.

    . The topic was so deep that I have transcended into the Spanish side of the Internet with this

  • Mar 16, 2023

    I'm glad my parents

    1st: Never fear-mongered me off the internet by saying I'd get brainwashed

    2nd: Don't make anything on Facebook political

    It was mainly to do with strangers and talking to them. But the no boomers are out here quoting random Facebook statuses like fact s***

  • Mar 16, 2023

    Yeah I noticed this years ago I remember my mom used tondeadass scold me about “talking to strangers on the internet” when I was barely commenting on YouTube not even real convos. Then all of a sudden so many of my relatives got on Facebook and it became life lol .

    It got even worse with the political
    Climate in the last five to ten years, you don’t know how many “Nipsey Hussle was Heile Selassie reincarnated” post I was sent by my godmother after Nip was murdered

  • Mar 16, 2023

    You mean YALLS parents

  • Mar 16, 2023

    My white side aunties is a different story tho

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 16, 2023

    tide goes in tide goes out, you cant explain that

  • Mar 16, 2023

    Says a lot about society