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  • Sep 15, 2023

    should warrant a ban

    I feel you.

  • Sep 15, 2023
    1 reply

    I’ll drink to that 🥃


    Ain’t first time this b**** ass been a b****.

  • Tubig 🌊
    Sep 15, 2023
    1 reply

    Then you’re not sober brother.

    Some people use the term sober just for alcohol, some use it for everything. Regardless, I'm free from alcohol and that's what matters.

    but technically i am sober both ways cuz i'm not smoking rn

  • Sep 15, 2023

    Happy for you @op

    It’s very difficult to face our demons / issues. We often ignore them until it’s too late.

    Happy you decided to get that straightened out

    I know it wasn’t easy, but you’re all the better for it

  • 1 year clean from the green stuff..Feels good. Them daily dabs did a number on me

  • Sep 15, 2023

    I’ll drink to that 🥃

  • Sep 15, 2023

    I’ll drink to that 🥃

  • Sep 15, 2023
    1 reply

    @Luziver u seein this thread


  • Tubig 🌊
    Sep 15, 2023

    Days over, yall can lock

    @safe @sab

  • Sep 15, 2023
    Pluto Vert

    @Luziver u seein this thread


  • Sep 15, 2023

    Being sober is underrated
    Ain't drank in like 5 years
    Ain't smoked in like 5 months
    So clear headed and focused on goals it's beautiful

  • RICH 💸
    Sep 15, 2023
    1 reply

    Congrats @op , Did you ever go with any programs, or follow any stuff like that or did you just go sober?

  • RICH 💸
    Sep 15, 2023

    Alcohol is something I thought you could never get addicted to until I struggled with it myself and continue to, along with my pill addiction, they go hand-in-hand for me. Been thinking I want to go to rehab but I know that I also just want to feel I can do it myself.

  • Tubig 🌊
    Sep 15, 2023

    Congrats @op , Did you ever go with any programs, or follow any stuff like that or did you just go sober?

    I was at the point where if I wasn’t able to quit this time, I was going to go to rehab.

    But I was able to with the help of friends and family. I actually went vegan for a year when I quit and it gave me something to keep my mind occupied. Learning how to cook, getting everything right in the kitchen, looking up recipes, reading up on getting healthy again. Then I got a dog which occupied my time reading up on training him and all.

    But yeah if I failed that last time I was going to go to rehab

  • Got s***faced last night. Getting s***faced tonight too.

  • Tubig

    Just to share some of my story

    I got to the point that I was averaging over 20 drinks a night. I was friends with all the bartenders in town and they'd always hook it up. So every day after work I'd stop at the bar, get about 5-8 beers, 4+ shots, and then pick up a 12 pack on the way home. People would tell me they could never tell that I've been drinking even late in the night. But my body was revolting against me, and I knew if I kept drinking I'd die an early death but it didn't matter to me. What's the point of being healthy if you're not enjoying life? And even when I had a moment of clarity telling me not to drink for the day, on the 30 minute commute home I'd always convince myself to just stop for a couple drinks, which always turned to 20+ cuz once I started I wouldn't stop til I passed out.

    I had family and pleading for me to stop, but I just didn't want to. Had a co-worker have a heart to heart with me because he said I reminded him of someone who drank himself to death.

    After years of this, it started to affect my work. I basically got away with a lot of stuff because I was well liked and was very good at my job, but truth be told if I wasn't as high a performer at work I would've been fired. I should've been. I should've been dead or in jail tbh for the s*** that I did.

    But it didn't matter because I didn't value myself. It wasn't until I saw my actions affecting others that I snapped out of it. I stopped at the bar on the way home, and left my roommates dog in the kennel. We're watching the world series, it goes to extra innings, and I of course stay way later than I told myself I was going to. And I get home, and see the dog whimpering in the kennel, and I just broke down... and just reached out to my friends and was completely honest with them about my struggles. I'd be dead if it weren't for them

    tldr alcohol bad if you can't moderate

    Nigga you was in DEEP

  • Sep 15, 2023
    1 reply

    Nigga really said 5-8 beers, 4+ shots, and a 12 pack for home. That’s insane

  • RICH 💸
    Sep 15, 2023
    Duck Fieri

    Ive been in AA, NA classes before bro. I'm sure you have too. Im telling you true sobriety is not consuming any substances at all legal or not. Whatever addiction you had with alcohol is still being served with cannabis and THC. I smoke weed every day and I'm just now coming to grips that i am a d*** addict. You don't have to be on the street or down bad to be an addict. Most people are high functioning addicts of some kind. That's why true sobriety is nonsense

    I think op reply about semantics is pretty on point tbh

    But for discussion sake,with your definition of sobriety (because I think it varies from person to person Based on their exposure to different programs or treatment methods, and just personal opinions) do you think Someone on an SSRI or ADHD medication or antipsychotics even, but they don’t drink they don’t smoke, is not sober?

  • Tubig 🌊
    Sep 15, 2023
    2 replies

    Nigga really said 5-8 beers, 4+ shots, and a 12 pack for home. That’s insane

    Yeah it was wild man. One of the moments of clarity I had where I realized how far gone I was was after taking a vapor shot. I was like damn that’s crazy I actually feel a good buzz from it, then I realized I was like 8 drinks in already I f***ing should be feeling a damn buzz

  • Tubig

    Yeah it was wild man. One of the moments of clarity I had where I realized how far gone I was was after taking a vapor shot. I was like damn that’s crazy I actually feel a good buzz from it, then I realized I was like 8 drinks in already I f***ing should be feeling a damn buzz

    Glad you’re in a better place now man

  • Sep 15, 2023
    1 reply

    Yeah it was wild man. One of the moments of clarity I had where I realized how far gone I was was after taking a vapor shot. I was like damn that’s crazy I actually feel a good buzz from it, then I realized I was like 8 drinks in already I f***ing should be feeling a damn buzz

    What's a vapor shot?

  • Tubig 🌊
    Sep 15, 2023

    What's a vapor shot?

    The bartender usually lights a liquor on fire and catches the vapor in a cup and you inhale it

    It’s f***ing wild and probably wildly dangerous too

  • Sep 15, 2023

    there's nothing necessarily wrong with responsible drinking, but some of us can't do it responsibly

    enjoy it if you can

    Yeah I don't overdo it tho I smoke more than anything but eventually I want to be alcohol and smoke free

  • Sep 15, 2023
    1 reply

    F*** off it's my bday

  • Sep 15, 2023

    Some people use the term sober just for alcohol, some use it for everything. Regardless, I'm free from alcohol and that's what matters.

    but technically i am sober both ways cuz i'm not smoking rn

    Michigan sober is only weed + craft beer lol

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