I mean let’s be real now.
You are no different from the dude or woman staying in the room watching someone get f***ed or do the f***ing while pleasuring yourself.
(Now I’m talking from a straight dude perspective but it you can apply it to any one by replacing words/pronouns and s***)
I stopped it 5 yrs ago and I feel great. S***life even better If I watch p*** I watch a woman only I don’t do that seeing another man d*** in there.
Its f***ing up the young minds and hence why a lot of people on p*** got erectile issues or c***too fast and s***. Because they are used to see another d*** in there, but when they eventually have s***well it kinda f***s they mind up because they were getting off to someone else f***ing and not them.
Stop being a cuck just look at the individual you attracted to through their pictures or solo videos.
That only applies if it's your partner having s***with someone else, if you're just watching randos that makes you a voyeur
P*** is p***. Wether there’s a d*** present doesn’t matter.
Yeah it does matter plus its weird as s*** watching another nigga f*** a b**** its cuck s***
Past generations had those same issues too who cares
Wth is your avi nigga
worry about what another man watches
worry about what another man watches
Oh I’m just throwing shots and letting you know I’m not on that cuck s*** you is
What if you’re trying to learn new moves
You can easily google s***positions and you’ll see it
But what u mean to tell me u finna get off to it too just when u looking for new moves?
That only applies if it's your partner having s***with someone else, if you're just watching randos that makes you a voyeur
Nah its cuck s***
this the stuff I mean @FIFTY950 lmfao