Not wasted but I always felt like the opening instrumental for The Art of Peer Pressure should have been it's own song instead of a short interlude for the 2nd part of the song
Not wasted but I always felt like the opening instrumental for The Art of Peer Pressure should have been it's own song instead of a short interlude for the 2nd part of the song
! would have been a top 3 song on gkmc if it was standalone
Not wasted but I always felt like the opening instrumental for The Art of Peer Pressure should have been it's own song instead of a short interlude for the 2nd part of the song
! intro is BEAUTIFUL but i cant help but feel like AOPP wouldnt hit the same without it
great example
this song is so f***ing funny man
listening to ts for the first time what tf is he babbling about
Not wasted but I always felt like the opening instrumental for The Art of Peer Pressure should have been it's own song instead of a short interlude for the 2nd part of the song
! pick
I wish the beginning of Institutionalized was it's own song