Was with the homies the other day reminiscing on childhood rnb hits. Timeless type stuff
Ice ice baby shake that ass just like dice baby
Bro you know how many years I looked for this song and forgot what it was called or who the girl on the song was
Man that first Like 2-3 dream albums were all classic rnb albhms at that time
not even gonna lie I was a casual rnb listener (just whatever was on radio and like old songs i remember from mtv music video days but was rarely going out of my way to listen to new rnb albums) before I bought dream love hate album (cause I just loved the two singles so much). That was my first rnb album purchase and also the reason i started caring and learning more about rnb.
Man that first Like 2-3 dream albums were all classic rnb albhms at that time
not even gonna lie I was a casual rnb listener (just whatever was on radio and like old songs i remember from mtv music video days but was rarely going out of my way to listen to new rnb albums) before I bought dream love hate album (cause I just loved the two singles so much). That was my first rnb album purchase and also the reason i started caring and learning more about rnb.
Real! I’m still not going to wake up and put rnb on but man dream changed the game for me. Easily one of my favorite artists OAT. Ménage a trois is classic!
Real! I’m still not going to wake up and put rnb on but man dream changed the game for me. Easily one of my favorite artists OAT. Ménage a trois is classic!
falsetto into playin hair into purple kisses
also love luv songs
That girl is fancyyyyy
Put it down
Put it down
The list goes on bro. Man has classics for days!! Loved his verzus too
My fave Ciara song
prod on this crazy. Tricky went off + written by dream
The list goes on bro. Man has classics for days!! Loved his verzus too
He’s probably the biggest pen in rnb. Wrote everyone else’s hits too
My fave Ciara song
prod on this crazy. Tricky went off + written by dream
!https://youtu.be/ePi0EyJ03QM“Ciara is a man” conspiracy theory deprived me of her music as a kid
I actually prefer this version to the og but from what I’ve read online that’s not a popular opinion