Even worse when u graduated in 2020
Applying to do a Masters in Applied Mathematics this Fall now though
Keep your head up
I'm at 1500 right now since starting search last november
Jesus Christ 😭😭
made 5 rounds of interviews at top companies and they just f***ing ghosted like I get it for not even making it past resume but after 5 rounds like wtf dude just give me decency to reject me in an email f*** corporate america i'm so f***ing done with this bullshit
made 5 rounds of interviews at top companies and they just f***ing ghosted like I get it for not even making it past resume but after 5 rounds like wtf dude just give me decency to reject me in an email f*** corporate america i'm so f***ing done with this bullshit
What field are you in
What field are you in
Business strategy/operations/data a***ytics in entertainment industry but also applying to other industries but working at any of the studios main goal
Business strategy/operations/data a***ytics in entertainment industry but also applying to other industries but working at any of the studios main goal
Ah ok we’re pretty similar except i work in investment banking
Luckily I’ve applied to so many jobs the LinkedIn algorithm picks them out pretty nicely for me
Thank you 🙏
are you sure your resume isn't getting auto-rejected because of the format
Ah ok we’re pretty similar except i work in investment banking
I had an internship/co op at the one of the biggest studios too was about to turn into full time and then pandemic f***ed me full time position was cancelled all internships frozen, honestly don't even know what to do since then, have just been chilling doing hella apps. Thought having internship at biggest studio would have helped
Ah ok we’re pretty similar except i work in investment banking
have you reached out to alumni
I’m already employed meanwhile you live in your mothers basement
ignore him hes a troll
COVID really f***ed up the job market in such a catastrophic way and all the government could do was send out some one time stimmy checks lol.
COVID really f***ed up the job market in such a catastrophic way and all the government could do was send out some one time stimmy checks lol.
I've never struggled like this before when searching for jobs I'm hoping its pandemic f***ing the market but s*** is starting to get too much
I've never struggled like this before when searching for jobs I'm hoping its pandemic f***ing the market but s*** is starting to get too much
Im just trying to get a Masters at this point, and idk if it will help for the jobs. All they want is experience and i got none, even wrote some fake bs with real references. if im out of luck and not accepted/or past deadline im gonna do CFA Level 1 this december
I've never struggled like this before when searching for jobs I'm hoping its pandemic f***ing the market but s*** is starting to get too much
dog, my pops is dealing with the same thing. masters degree applying to jobs that are literally in his field that's he had before and getting to the interview stage before getting ghosted. It's definitely pandemic related, otherwise he woulda been landed something by now.
Which once again, leaves me in utter awe how horrifically neglectful this government has been and currently is being.
are you sure your resume isn't getting auto-rejected because of the format
nah I’m just being a little overly ambitious i suppose since I’m in a good entry level position rn. I’ve had a few interviews for senior roles but it’s been a mix of not enough experience and not enough $$$
Im just trying to get a Masters at this point, and idk if it will help for the jobs. All they want is experience and i got none, even wrote some fake bs with real references. if im out of luck and not accepted/or past deadline im gonna do CFA Level 1 this december
Also intending on going to grad school but all the programs I want to get into want you to have like 3-5 years of solid work expereince at lit companies
I had an internship/co op at the one of the biggest studios too was about to turn into full time and then pandemic f***ed me full time position was cancelled all internships frozen, honestly don't even know what to do since then, have just been chilling doing hella apps. Thought having internship at biggest studio would have helped
It be like that sometimes man
nah I’m just being a little overly ambitious i suppose since I’m in a good entry level position rn. I’ve had a few interviews for senior roles but it’s been a mix of not enough experience and not enough $$$
You got a CFA?
Thinking to do lvl 1 this december, my bro got one and he moving up in commercial real estate so easily
It be like that sometimes man
I turned down a really good full time job offer too before graduating dec 2019 for internship at movie studio could have never for-seen a pandemic happening
I definitely prefer some applied mathematic though
Hitting up a Quant fund is the goal
You got a CFA?
Thinking to do lvl 1 this december, my bro got one and he moving up in commercial real estate so easily
nah maybe down the road, right now I’m in operations
nah I’m just being a little overly ambitious i suppose since I’m in a good entry level position rn. I’ve had a few interviews for senior roles but it’s been a mix of not enough experience and not enough $$$
Lie on your resume like I did bro