  • Jun 23, 2021

    all of michael jackson's albums are great

  • Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply

    (not counting posthumous albums itt, however i think Michael {2010} would be the only one i'd call skippable) over the years i've had a few albums i just didn't enjoy as much as the others, mostly bc i had not really appreciated the genres they were more similar to by the times i'd occasionally try them out. history (& in the mix especially), invincible (less than history), and off the wall (idk i just didnt like funk disco stuff i was very generic pop/super limited exposure to hip hop)

    anywho it's been years since i tried off the wall again n yknow what i like it and michael's the best

    his vocals are better than almost anything that's come after him and this guy actually knows how to put a s*** ton of emotion into his singing n it makes him electrifying on off the wall. i dont mean emotion like wow so deep i mean he's just willing to commit to the energy in like any f***in situation. and he went thru them all bro his albums from off the wall --> invincible are a time capsule of an absolute change in character. he obviously had some significant life situations influencing this, so i'm not sayin that these new pop ppl need to go get in extensive emotional drama for the sake of having new material and new avenues of things to write about. it's just that many mainstream ppl got what feels like a certain set of topics you can expect them to write about and u kinda got an idea of how they'll sing or rap it and yeah album comes out you're mostly right, you still get some surprises that's cool but your expectations of material were accurate enough for ur expectations to not change significantly. when u heard history in the mix, who tf was expecting michael to have a song about the experience of morphine?

    and both sections of the song were sung with a fittingly harsh or sympathetic performance when that section was happenin? like you can really believe in n feel the weight behind the things he's sayin? singing about your feelings on the situation of your d*** addiction is a pretty tall order and he does it amazingly

    i don't know what this rant is about rly
    all this commitment-to-idea stuff happens in his production too. i think all of his albums can be accessible to anyone if they happen to yno first of all care about this type of s*** in their music and secondly if they just happen to stumble on a song from 1 of those albums they found familiar n good n then decided to explore the rest (They decided.) this is Facts.

  • Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply


  • Jun 23, 2021


    may that be a lesson. you can keep this one.

  • Jun 23, 2021
    2 replies

    I Decided. by Big Sean

  • Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Even Michael had some great songs. Hold My Hand, Hollywood Tonight, I Like The Way You Love Me & Behind The Mask are all tight af.

  • Jun 23, 2021
    2 replies

    Invincible is a frustrating one, because there's definitely a classic album within all the material he recorded during that era, but he bloated the album with too many ballads.

  • Jun 23, 2021

    Even Michael had some great songs. Hold My Hand, Hollywood Tonight, I Like The Way You Love Me & Behind The Mask are all tight af.

    thank u it's been a while since i listened to it so i'll try those

  • Jun 23, 2021

    theres gems on every one of em but everything after thriller got a substantial amount of filler. bad gets away w it bcuz of the moment it made

    lol, now that I think of it, dangerous is in many ways MJ's Pablo

  • Jun 23, 2021

    Invincible is a frustrating one, because there's definitely a classic album within all the material he recorded during that era, but he bloated the album with too many ballads.

    the ballads are beautiful tho, they def contrast w/ the songs that r higher energy which r also ezly highlights. whole album mostly flows pretty well together tho u just gotta sit w/ the slow moments if ur so inclined

  • Jun 23, 2021
  • Jun 23, 2021

    i decided is a good album too

  • rvi 🐸
    Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply

    (not counting posthumous albums itt, however i think Michael {2010} would be the only one i'd call skippable) over the years i've had a few albums i just didn't enjoy as much as the others, mostly bc i had not really appreciated the genres they were more similar to by the times i'd occasionally try them out. history (& in the mix especially), invincible (less than history), and off the wall (idk i just didnt like funk disco stuff i was very generic pop/super limited exposure to hip hop)

    anywho it's been years since i tried off the wall again n yknow what i like it and michael's the best

    his vocals are better than almost anything that's come after him and this guy actually knows how to put a s*** ton of emotion into his singing n it makes him electrifying on off the wall. i dont mean emotion like wow so deep i mean he's just willing to commit to the energy in like any f***in situation. and he went thru them all bro his albums from off the wall --> invincible are a time capsule of an absolute change in character. he obviously had some significant life situations influencing this, so i'm not sayin that these new pop ppl need to go get in extensive emotional drama for the sake of having new material and new avenues of things to write about. it's just that many mainstream ppl got what feels like a certain set of topics you can expect them to write about and u kinda got an idea of how they'll sing or rap it and yeah album comes out you're mostly right, you still get some surprises that's cool but your expectations of material were accurate enough for ur expectations to not change significantly. when u heard history in the mix, who tf was expecting michael to have a song about the experience of morphine?

    and both sections of the song were sung with a fittingly harsh or sympathetic performance when that section was happenin? like you can really believe in n feel the weight behind the things he's sayin? singing about your feelings on the situation of your d*** addiction is a pretty tall order and he does it amazingly

    i don't know what this rant is about rly
    all this commitment-to-idea stuff happens in his production too. i think all of his albums can be accessible to anyone if they happen to yno first of all care about this type of s*** in their music and secondly if they just happen to stumble on a song from 1 of those albums they found familiar n good n then decided to explore the rest (They decided.) this is Facts.

    are you counting his childhood albums like Ben as well?

  • Jun 23, 2021

    are you counting his childhood albums like Ben as well?

    na i aint heard em, another day i will tho

  • Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply

    I Decided. by Big Sean

    great albuk

  • Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply

    nice try @americana

  • Jun 23, 2021

    maybe on page 2

  • Jun 23, 2021
    2 replies
    CGI Dog

    great albuk

    not gonna lie to you

    never listened to it past the singles, i was listening to soundcloud almost exclusively in 2017 lol

  • Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply

    not gonna lie to you

    never listened to it past the singles, i was listening to soundcloud almost exclusively in 2017 lol

    just because you said it’s great tho i might peep!

  • Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply

    OP said

  • Jun 23, 2021
    1 reply

    just because you said it’s great tho i might peep!

  • Jun 23, 2021

    i aint even say anything avy post worthy this time

  • Jun 23, 2021

    OP said

    i rly did tho

  • Jun 23, 2021

    not gonna lie to you

    never listened to it past the singles, i was listening to soundcloud almost exclusively in 2017 lol

    i dont remember posting that maybe i misquoted i dont really care ab the album

  • Jun 23, 2021

    ok guys on page 2 we can start talking about michael jackson