  • Oct 29, 2019

    This album is good. The only bad song on it is Everything We Need. Also that Water verse is fine yo.

    It’s one thing to say: aii ima head out Kanye I was here for the Yeezus boundary pushing s***. I get that.

    It’s another to just be salty and say this album is trash when its actually good. I wouldnt say its really good or great. But it is most certainly not bad. I think it might be Ye’s worst project but even then, this just showed me that Kanye’s weakest project can still deliver songs that I will enjoy the entire new year.

    I understand we’re sad Kanye is no longer in his Yeezus bag but if we’re being honest the only reason the Yeezus era was so f***ing classic and damn near magical is cuz this was always the end goal. Yall niggas just cant let go of your beloved idea of a perfect Kanye that has billionaire ambitions but still isn’t a billionaire so he was more “relatable”.

    Im very happy for Kanye and hope he finds joy devoting his life to Christ. I just hope he turns down the Jesus lyrics a bit in new albums. Talk about ya life and how God has impacted it since. But for now I like this introduction to Evangelical Ye.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    "Evangelical Ye"

  • Oct 29, 2019


  • Oct 29, 2019

    "Evangelical Ye"

    If thats what the man claims he is I’ll call him as such