  • Oct 25, 2019


    Highlights: On God, Follow God, God Is, Hands On
    Lowlights: Every Hour, Everything We Need, Jesus Is Lord

    Track Call Outs:
    -Textures/Synths on On God encompass this grandiose sound that I wish the whole album had but it's great.
    -Samples on Follow God and God Is are extremely reminiscent of early Ye, extremely authentic classic roots.
    -Singing performance by Ye on God Is is well done, nothing like anything in his discography.
    -This album has is begging to be ethereal and atmospheric but ye definitely cut out the transitions.
    -Transitions would have made the album more thoughtful and allow each song to own its space and blend better instead of the choppiness we got (this album would have come off bolder and thought provoking if he forced each track to be heard and then breaking up with minimal soundscapes inbetween).
    -Water a pleasant surprise and good composition. Cerse is repetitive but fitting in context to the album and don't mind it.
    -Hands On muddied vocal effects are extremely different and interesting experiment, love elements like these littered throughout the album. Builds up this watery sonic vibe.
    -Closed On Sunday has an eery and interesting instrumental, follows a similar vibe as selah in a way, minimalist and forcing you to listen to him speak. The "chick-fil-a" shout at the end is unnecessary but also reminds you ye's still the same one who did I Love It lol.
    -Use This Gospel and Jesus Is King feel like throwaways that dont really command or leave people feeling introspective or inspired the way I think Ye might have wanted people to be.
    -The move to put Selah near the front better sets the tone for the album (wish the OG was the direction and flow he went with).


    -The album would (and will) be better with more complete production
    (I think he'll at least fix the mixing on Follow God).
    -There’s some tracks on here that are great and some songs that miss but over all, surprised to enjoy the vast majority of what’s being experimented with here.
    -Album’s sound is a good contrast to his other works in the way we used to get with Ye’s progression through his career. Following Yeezus, TLOP and ye seemed far less interesting in style and didn't bring new landscapes in instrumentation that this album does.
    -Lyrical content isn't really a strong point of this album but the beats compensate plenty.
    -This album actually isn't far off from old ye vibes. Much of his older work is more heavy rooted in religion. Wouldn't have felt as out of place and extreme in his discography if it was his 2nd or 3rd album and a more natural transition into the Graduation or 808s direction.


    Score: 6.8

    (For comparison, I gave ye a 5)

    Interested to here what you guys think.

  • Oct 25, 2019

    I think ultimately, an artist only has so much to say. Its hard to keep creating more and more content cause you already got your best ideas out.

    Thats my review.

  • Oct 26, 2019

    Everything we need is a highlight

    its basically the storm with better vocals and better lyrics