Any chance J Cole is rewriting lyrics on the Fall Off after the beef? It seems like a good amount of the his lyrics recently have been claiming that no one wants smoke and he’s the best in the game right now. I could see him rewriting lyrics since he dropped out of the beef and that being the reason the album is so delayed
I dont think he even started big bro i think he just chillin with a mamosa as he fix his bike from getting sand in the treads cuz he thit a reg bike is just as good as a dirt or mountain bike
I dont think he even started lil bro i think he just chillin with a mamosa as he fix his bike from getting sand in the treads cuz he thit a reg bike is just as good as a dirt or mountain bike
I dont think he even started big bro i think he just chillin with a mamosa as he fix his bike from getting sand in the treads cuz he thit a reg bike is just as good as a dirt or mountain bike
He’s gonna come back on some wisdom/humble s***. Like a 2010s Andre 3k verse.
The poking out his chest, daring other rappers to try him s*** is over with
I dont think he even started big bro i think he just chillin with a mamosa as he fix his bike from getting sand in the treads cuz he thit a reg bike is just as good as a dirt or mountain bike
I heard the album is going to be a double disc. A side is going to be an apology to Kendrick. B side is going to be an apology to Drake. Apparently there is also a bonus track on there where he apologizes to Ye
he should just retire
He needs to just retire like he said he was going when it drops and it should this year it’s becoming the new detox atp
Yo @Avalanche wya bro
He honestly has to go back to his soulful & storytelling sound
Like Truly Yours EP but updated with his new rapping ability
And album of this basically
I dont think he even started big bro i think he just chillin with a mamosa as he fix his bike from getting sand in the treads cuz he thit a reg bike is just as good as a dirt or mountain bike
Any chance J Cole is rewriting lyrics on the Fall Off after the beef? It seems like a good amount of the his lyrics recently have been claiming that no one wants smoke and he’s the best in the game right now. I could see him rewriting lyrics since he dropped out of the beef and that being the reason the album is so delayed
He scrapped it like 9 times already
10th time is the charm
he should just retire
He can't retire now
He needs to go out with a bang and with his dignity in tact
He can't retire now
He needs to go out with a bang and with his dignity in tact
idk how he can accomplish that
The fall off was supposed to be immune to all this he should have went on and dropped now it's getting worse and worse