chemtrails was the most tolerable effort from the both of them, it progressively got worse though production wise
i like norman but that's like an aberration in his discog where i give him credit - he's still a self indulgent c*** with tinny drums
lorde should have been venturing toward trip hop s*** but we got solar powered by bottles/models rhymes and s***y geetar licks
ikr i posted this asking recs for similar looks in the 'fashion and advice' section years ago and was called a 'cac'!!
Holy s*** man
i like norman but that's like an aberration in his discog where i give him credit - he's still a self indulgent c*** with tinny drums
lorde should have been venturing toward trip hop s*** but we got solar powered by bottles/models rhymes and s***y geetar licks
i still cant believe he was a major hand in NFR lol, i kinda like mentally count it out
I promise you. Ye doesn't care about no bleachers release date. He's probably going to miss it anyways
KTT hates Kanye so much y'all will literally side with whoever tf this is
theres like 2 niggas siding with him in here, stop d***eating
Tbh thats smart promo from him to try and get Swifties to listen to screw Kanye
I would have thought the great jack antonof would have been above such sales tactics tho..
ikr i posted this asking recs for similar looks in the 'fashion and advice' section years ago and was called a 'cac'!!
did you want it to happen again or
Wait i just realized this just all promo for Jack antonoff's s***ty f***ing album from his s***ty f***ing Bruce Springsteen tribute jerk off band.
he's handicapped lana for years and years and she still kinda shines through but the production work is all so empty and thoughtless
Bring back Emile
i still cant believe he was a major hand in NFR lol, i kinda like mentally count it out
mad depressing, can't begin to understand it
ppl f*** with it i guess but can hope for a change eventually ??
whos gassing these white men up man
who told them they can talk like this
He's Jewish, that's why
she needs todd rundgren or something
i think jack in a box wants to be todd rundgren as a solo career but was right from the start in creating 'bleachers' as cover for when his s*** ends up on gas station cd stands
mad depressing, can't begin to understand it
ppl f*** with it i guess but can hope for a change eventually ??
lana is already an established pop GOAT so anything she does is icing on the cake obviously from here on out, but if she is gonna go on that mature refined project route it needs to be on some Breaking Up Slowly type s*** or Dealer
my f***ing s***
i dont know who convinced Lana that you need these fake ass emotional piano chord progressions to storytell and move people shes too talented for that s***
This is a great strategy because now there's a 50% chance Kanye posts this on his story (promo) or invites him to work on Vultures for disrespecting him.
my f***ing s***
i dont know who convinced Lana that you need these fake ass emotional piano chord progressions to storytell and move people shes too talented for that s***
hahaha you're the same as me, the piano is horrible
honestly i need her on some hard steve shelley drums after coachella, dial everything back / no orchestral s*** / raw lead guitar n drums - fill in the rest as necessary later