If Jack is “frat rap” I just wanna know what’s Mac Miller?
Graveyard rap
mac miller was frat rap but it was in an era where frat rap was cool , since faces he was not frat rap anymore
this being said jack Harlow is in no way frat rap , he's cocky tho , I think he'll get more hate than russ
i dont f*** with him disrespecting uzi
Man all that pitchfork sub genres s*** trash man good rap music is good rap music.
Idk if anyone will really feel me on this, but I can’t listen to artists that try so hard to be cool. This nigga a total cornball but he acts like he’s a gang leader from the hood. If he just acted like the typical frat bro whiteboy he is, he’d be fine. His music straight for sure, but dude needs an attitude check. For his sake he better hope that comes from someone on his team, cause if it comes from another artist or the industry the niggas career is over.
Like look at young gravy. Niggas music is just joke party music, but he knows it and plays the part, so he cool in my book. Now if he started acting hard and like what he says matters, then he’d be f***ing corny. Jack in the same boat, but bet on the wrong horse.
the thing is the only reason you're saying any of this is because he's white. bruh ain't being nothing but himself. a white boy from the south
Are you gonna tell me how it’s flawed or just be a big meanie?
Music doesn't automatically become the location it is played in: The Box wouldn't be church music if it was played in church, just as it wouldn't be considered club music the second it is played in the club.
Idk if anyone will really feel me on this, but I can’t listen to artists that try so hard to be cool. This nigga a total cornball but he acts like he’s a gang leader from the hood. If he just acted like the typical frat bro whiteboy he is, he’d be fine. His music straight for sure, but dude needs an attitude check. For his sake he better hope that comes from someone on his team, cause if it comes from another artist or the industry the niggas career is over.
Like look at young gravy. Niggas music is just joke party music, but he knows it and plays the part, so he cool in my book. Now if he started acting hard and like what he says matters, then he’d be f***ing corny. Jack in the same boat, but bet on the wrong horse.
the thing is the only reason you're saying any of this is because he's white. bruh ain't being nothing but himself. a white boy from the south
I just so randomly decided to watch this video the other day and it went waaaay too hard. Song slapped, visuals slapped. I cosign
Graveyard rap
the thing is the only reason you're saying any of this is because he's white. bruh ain't being nothing but himself. a white boy from the south
If he was black I’d just say he straight up garbage. But since he white and trying to rap I gave him the benefit of the doubt and gave actual criticism. Now why did you say the dumb s*** you did?
Shane, what makes it frat music? you have nothing else than that he's white you f***ing idiot. Lmfao
It's frat rap because it's generic background rap.
Stop picking s*** songs to showcase an artist and you won't have this issue again
Nobody cares if he's white, stop using race in your arguments because you're a sensitive mook and can't handle someone offending your artist
If I had a problem with him being white I would've never had him in my playlist long before this thread was made
stay off the internet if you're gonna whine like a little b****
jack is dope
Man all that pitchfork sub genres s*** trash man good rap music is good rap music.
im not saying frat rap in a bad sense tho I always loved Mac Miller
most frat rap is trash tho
bruh super slid on this
!https://youtu.be/SFKb7JzSjaAYea this go absolutely nutzo lebron voice
It's frat rap because it's generic background rap.
Stop picking s*** songs to showcase an artist and you won't have this issue again
Nobody cares if he's white, stop using race in your arguments because you're a sensitive mook and can't handle someone offending your artist
If I had a problem with him being white I would've never had him in my playlist long before this thread was made
stay off the internet if you're gonna whine like a little b****
Yeah you have no argument. Shut up dumbass.
the way bro carries himself>>>
love it
the way bro carries himself>>>
love it
You see him dancing on a bad lightskin girl? Nigga just jiggy it's crazy
If he was black I’d just say he straight up garbage. But since he white and trying to rap I gave him the benefit of the doubt and gave actual criticism. Now why did you say the dumb s*** you did?
how would he be garbage then? because he has bars, flow, quotables. like why you hate him so bad?
also suck my d*** with ya grandmothers daughters lips you stupid dumb ret arded b****
the thing is the only reason you're saying any of this is because he's white. bruh ain't being nothing but himself. a white boy from the south
watch his no jumper interview , he was ready to diss uzi because uzi called him a 🤡 , when uzi had every right to call him a clown
I think he has mad talent , his attitude sucks tho