cracker doesn't have a history of oppression behind it!
Oh poor you, you and your parents or whoever parents didnt even went trough slavery, black people do the craziest s*** and thats why they are the bottom pole.
Oh poor you, you and your parents or whoever parents didnt even went trough slavery, black people do the craziest s*** and thats why they are the bottom pole.
21 threads and 0 followers later and yet somehow you still here
موزمبيق ، لعفنك ، سألعن أجيالك المقبلة. يجب أن يعرف دمك المعاناة بطريقة جسدية ، ويعاني من ظهور بثور ودمامل أثناء تعفنها في الجحيم. من أجل دعمك للرجل الأبيض ، جاك هارلو ، سنسكب مادة التبييض على بشرتك ونقشرها ببطء باستخدام سكاكين صدئة مملة
White guy says white version of rapper is better than black version of rapper... and he’s even white! It’s the classic Eminem Syndrome
He sounds nothing like Roddy Rich at all
He sounds nothing like Roddy Rich at all
Then why are the being compared in the first place?
what the f*** is this thread