His first non promotional tweets in a year.
Are you excited for the jackmans next album?
when will druski make his presence felt for this rollout?
how many versions of lovin on me will be on the project?
His first non promotional tweets in a year.
Are you excited for the jackmans next album?
when will druski make his presence felt for this rollout?
how many versions of lovin on me will be on the project?
He had a number 1 this year
Being a musical artist now is crazy cause there doesn't seem to be any mark for being successful anymore
Just put the fries in the bag bro.
just put my d*** in your mouth bro
just put my d*** in your mouth bro
I don’t even like his music that much but why do people “hate” him so much lol
I don’t even like his music that much but why do people “hate” him so much lol
label was trying really hard to push him maybe it felt inorganic
just put my d*** in your mouth bro
As long as I can play with your bootyhole while I do it, deal?
I don’t even like his music that much but why do people “hate” him so much lol
as a longtime Jack fan, a lot of ppl feel like he plays a persona of a ladies man that isn't authentic
also a lot of his bigger songs of the recent years are admittedly mediocre
I think he unfortunately got the Drake touch where he's too big to fall off, so at this point a lot of his music feels phoned in
peak jack
vs current hitmaker jack
as a longtime Jack fan, a lot of ppl feel like he plays a persona of a ladies man that isn't authentic
also a lot of his bigger songs of the recent years are admittedly mediocre
I think he unfortunately got the Drake touch where he's too big to fall off, so at this point a lot of his music feels phoned in
peak jack
!https://youtu.be/Cxee5cONEV8?list=PLxA687tYuMWhh_fcLrEbGVjjXBRtSPnmi!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5RpT7SxTuk&pp=ygURamFjayBoYXJsb3cgZGVsdGE%3Dvs current hitmaker jack
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq8h3GEe22o&pp=ygULamFjayBoYXJsb3c%3Dtoo big to fail? nobody cares about this guy bro
I don’t even like his music that much but why do people “hate” him so much lol
I dont really hate him (I kinda do) but him having to like put on his clown costume and do some bits for us before he can drop his album is funnier than any joke he could tweet