they won’t smh
If not for Bam there would be no Jackass, he and his cousin (or brother, it was someone related to him) made the group that would become the cast of jackass
yall are looking into it too much, I’m just here to see dudes do some crazy white people stunts. should be pretty easy for them to deliver another good installment whether they’re on d**** or not lol.
Steve-O back
back in
Tried watching the first 2 Jackass films a while ago and was surprised at how dated they felt. S*** wasn't entertaining one bit.
Tried watching the first 2 Jackass films a while ago and was surprised at how dated they felt. S*** wasn't entertaining one bit.
Terrible opinion. I just rewatched Jackass 3 and all the clips from 1 and 2. Still as hilarious as ever
Terrible opinion. I just rewatched Jackass 3 and all the clips from 1 and 2. Still as hilarious as ever
Hospitalized 2 days into filming
Hospitalized 2 days into filming
Hospitalized 2 days into filming
i swear kniwxville has a death wish
Hospitalized 2 days into filming
CLASSIC otw. I f***ing love Knoxville so much
Hospitalized 2 days into filming