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  • Nov 29, 2023

    I have a LOT to say about this overrated industry plant that seems to be pushed hard by internet dwelling brownies.

    When I saw the way he looks during his recent "tours", I realize this dude is as much of a basement dweller as his rabidly fanatic fanbase.

    Just look at this picture & tell me you don't see a basement dweller that fluked a few beats here & there:

    Man, I don't know what to tell you, but this "artist" scammed his fanbase for at least a decade just to come out with "new" mid-tier songs that any decent competent pop singer can make these days.

    But the ultimate cringe is his recent "tour" where you get to hear his fans describe the experience as some sort of "transcendent" experience, despite the knob mimicking popular acts by showing up late to his shows, etc.

    A truly utterly failed artist who still thinks Drake & Beyonce are sampling his music. This man needs to go away & save face before reality hits him once he & his fans read this thread.

  • Nov 29, 2023
    1 reply

    jai paul saved my life

  • slime wrld

    jai paul saved my life

  • Nov 29, 2023
    1 reply

    bro on a get money tour let him live

    bro been ducked out for year he gotta recoup real quick

    if he tours or represses bait ones again after this its over for him tho

  • Broscodolo

    bro on a get money tour let him live

    bro been ducked out for year he gotta recoup real quick

    if he tours or represses bait ones again after this its over for him tho

    The man is a living self-parody of a "struggling genius" 😂

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