Cool to see him branch out from avatar after 20 years but personally I’ll always be upset we didn’t get his take on Alita
Would rather him have made the first and definitely would rather him make the sequel
God that would be amazing
Hopefully he does one of the planned Alita sequels
Seems in poor taste ngl
Japanese nigga running back and forth thru Japan to the benny hill theme gonna be a JC classic
Like how do you sell this movie an any way that won’t have the theaters packed with ppl drooling to see thousands of innocent Japanese violently vaporized
Like how do you sell this movie an any way that won’t have the theaters packed with ppl drooling to see thousands of innocent Japanese violently vaporized
people were wining about how they didn't see a bunch of Japanese get vaporized in Oppenheimer lol idk they might rush out to see this but also criticize it's existence.
God that would be amazing
Hopefully he does one of the planned Alita sequels
He finna leave it to Robert Rodriguez
Like how do you sell this movie an any way that won’t have the theaters packed with ppl drooling to see thousands of innocent Japanese violently vaporized
Leak into it and with marketing say it shows it and if you are not for it you’re not a real patriot
Then in the Japanese release marketing. Say Cameron is showing the true horrors to show people what the Japanese people went through