look at pictures in op and then go watch james gunn swamp thing movie youfucking weirdo scumbag piece of s*** @Sonyomom @BlueDream_
look at pictures in op and then go watch james gunn swamp thing movie youfucking weirdo scumbag piece of s*** @Sonyomom @BlueDream_
What the HELL do i have to do with this
look at pictures in op and then go watch james gunn swamp thing movie youfucking weirdo scumbag piece of s*** @Sonyomom @BlueDream_
chill bro its holiday season
the crazy part is if Gunn brought Snyder back and Battfleck Snyder fans would defend him
I’m a big Snyder fan, but a good 80% of these guys are crazy.
I’m a big Snyder fan, but a good 80% of these guys are crazy.
Anyone that followed how Snyder talked about the process knew a great deal of them would become crazy. He genuinely a good human being and I know he went through a hard time with his daughter but how he made them feel like they could troll anyone to bring back more movies
You doing a lot bro . Like I am not even defending Gunn. I think him joking about children wasn't funny and is a red flag but doing this in reaction to Snyder verse possibly ending isn't it. you had all week to bump this thread and only did it because of something related to snyder happened. That isn't healthy
The first time this controversy felt wack cause it was just edgy jokes on Twitter
There’s more smoke here
I just don’t get what’s up with these creepy pics
First Balenciaga, now this
I just don’t get it
Its unsettling
Why would even host some bullshit like this? Literally nothing positive could have came out of it.
You doing a lot bro . Like I am not even defending Gunn. I think him joking about children wasn't funny and is a red flag but doing this in reaction to Snyder verse possibly ending isn't it. you had all week to bump this thread and only did it because of something related to snyder happened. That isn't healthy
yeah bro i should have a moral code n not f*** around on a kanye west forum
yeah bro i should have a moral code n not f*** around on a kanye west forum
james gunn fans scare me
lol I am not a James Gunn Friend or fan . I have said his comments bother me tot he point they will affect my future enjoyment of dc, not in a rush to see guardians and still haven't finished suicide squad. But whether snyder is back or not I feel like that. Wouldn't bump the thread though because no new news on it . Nor do I ever see him addressing it again
men are still good
Snyder : I am going to fix wolves
what if they made epstein in charge of superman bro
aight bro come on
just make a snyder thread joking or acting like gunn is epstein is doing too much while of course both are bad