I liked this alot, felt like a return to form for Mangold (even though his miss was just his last one lol). Timothee was incredible though, his mannerisms and the little ticks his gives in his portrayal made you feel just how deeply he invested himself into this role. I normally hate when awards go to biopic performances but I can see this being 1000% justified if he wins any. I was iffy on the romantic subplot being a major one, but I liked the dynamic by the end and how it showed you a side of him most wouldn’t really know. And I guess that’s a testament more on how Dylan himself avoided the usual pitfalls for musical biopics (addiction, early death, major controversies), what really makes it stand out is the enigma of Dylan himself and his talent. The ending felt a tad tacky though, but I get they wanted to add something climatic to end the film on. And I would’ve also loved more backstory on the side characters, it feels like most of them solely exist to big up Dylan rather then being a known talent. Other than that though, I had a great time.
my exact rating and thoughts!! great film
@Ava_Yeezy when she plays this song in the movie
As soon as she started singing it I thought back to Perfect Days
When she pushed the mic away I hit the
I didn’t mention it before but Holbrook as Johnny Cash was a massive highlight, thought it was cool how Mangold got to revisit his take on him while also not completely disregarding Walk the Line. Joaquin is my favorite actor period but even I’ll admit Holbrook completely transformed for Cash similar to how Timmy did for Dylan. I think it’s credit due to Mangold for learning some things from his first go around at a biopic
the shade after Timmy co-signed Brat
When i saw this i was like wtf but apparently alot of people arent fcking with this movie??? Dont know its weird
havent seen yet but his nardwuar interview is insane. he has so much knowledge about dylan, where hes from, the producers/session players from the time, all the folk singers he came up with and surpassed. unfathomably good press run interview showing from timothee in that one. probably one of the best i've seen from a modern star promoting something like this
Wasn’t blown away by this but timothee absolutely bodied it. Really stepped into the role
havent seen yet but his nardwuar interview is insane. he has so much knowledge about dylan, where hes from, the producers/session players from the time, all the folk singers he came up with and surpassed. unfathomably good press run interview showing from timothee in that one. probably one of the best i've seen from a modern star promoting something like this
I’m generally not a fan of musical biopics, but I liked this A LOT. This movie was a beautiful portrait of what it means to be an artist. I also think there’s something special about the meta aspect of telling the story of such a revolutionary musical figure trying to break free of the genre constraints he came up in, all while wrestling with the trappings and formula of the modern musical biopic. Timothée was obviously captivating as hell and Ed Norton practically disappeared as Pete Seeger. Elle Fanning was great as well. This is just a well made, well acted movie all around. It deserves more love.
Every actor did their thing but this film is kinda nothing. Material just not compelling enough to make a movie.
That narduwar interview got me hyped I’ll watch this this weekend
Timothee is vibes, I have to admit