  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    only f***ery going on is these lab coats making this s*** up as they go along

    I mean that's science... or even religion??

  • Feb 23, 2023

    I mean that's science... or even religion??

    thats why u cant trust it

  • Feb 23, 2023
    3 replies

    bible is still the same though after all these years

  • Big if true

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    bible is still the same though after all these years

    Can’t even go in a science related thread without seeing some s*** like this smh

  • Feb 23, 2023
    2 replies

    bible is still the same though after all these years

    We getting old testament God or Nah

  • Plankton

    Can’t even go in a science related thread without seeing some s*** like this smh


  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    bet no galaxies out there with baddies like earth tho

    You're a married man

  • plants 🌻
    Feb 23, 2023

    You're a married man

    im not talkin bout women im talkin bout earth

    earth is the baddie bro

  • Feb 23, 2023

    bible is still the same though after all these years

  • Feb 23, 2023

    Trust the science!

  • Feb 23, 2023

    We getting old testament God or Nah

    probably...equal. i think its just an incredible, the whole bible is an incredible

  • Feb 23, 2023

    We getting old testament God or Nah

    That nigga diabolical, nah pls

  • Feb 23, 2023

    So the Universe might be a lot older than we thought or is some dark matter f***ery is going one with the older galaxies?

    They on some what is time type of time out there

  • Feb 23, 2023

    James Webb is a science denier smh

  • Feb 23, 2023

    a lot of high level math is made up and fake this is true

  • Feb 23, 2023

    bet no galaxies out there with baddies like earth tho

    you dont know that dummy

    im all for f***ing alien baddies thatd be so dope

  • Feb 23, 2023

    Has anyone made the connection of JWT and the recent ufo sightings/ washed up materials

  • Feb 24, 2023
    math fifty

    and niggas believe in all these galaxies we're the only ones to harbor life

    I believe we are the only ones within reach to host intelligent life, not just basic germs etc.

    So many things have to go right for life to get this point, and while it’s not impossible, the probability that there is life on our level of intelligence at the same time as us that’s within reach is slim to none.

    We are a needle in a huge haystack, and while there may be another needle the chances that it’s anywhere in our part of the haystack or has even was in the haystack while we were in incredibly low. Even if there is other intelligent life they probably are already extinct or have yet to come into existence. The chances of someone being on our level or even above our level at the same time as us in the same region of the universe is pretty much impossible.

    If there is other intelligent life in the universe it most likely is out of reach, and we have a greater chance of destroying ourselves or the sun consuming earth then we have of ever crossing paths.

    Imagine life with out intelligence to be akin to hitting powerball like twice, now imagine how crazy it would be for another intelligent species to get as lucky as we did and be anywhere within our realm.

    That would be like hitting the powerball four times in a row. Which is pretty impossible.

    I do believe life may have existed before and may even exist after, but I don’t believe any other species with our intelligence or greater exist at the moment, and if they do they are so far away like galaxies away somewhere on the other side of the universe. We’d go extinct before ever having the chance to cross paths.

  • Feb 24, 2023

    We've never seen any planet outside of our solar system. Can't even see it's actual surface. Half of what scientists see are f***ing dots

    Yet people are absolutely sure we are alone in the entire universe, of which we understand very little.

    We are constantly finding things that change our understanding of the universe.

    Maybe we shouldn't dictate anything beyond our solar system as fact, as we have zero reason to be assured of anything.

    I believe however, there is life somewhere, to think we're the only planet ever to host life..... Hard to believe for me.

  • Feb 24, 2023

    ktt planet (new planet)

  • Feb 24, 2023

    ktt is a galaxy and the sxns are planets

  • Feb 24, 2023

    Imagine we don't know everything that's in our own galaxy. And won't know for thousands of years after we're all dead.

    Then you have every other galaxy lmfaoooooooo

    Probability wise, there may be something. Who knows what the f*** it looks like or how it survives, but there's nothing? Nah man I don't believe it.

  • Feb 24, 2023
