Ideology and concepts are truths too
Ideology and concepts are not always truths.
Example, eugenics is a flawed and corrupt ideology. There are literally mf’s that’s while ideology revolves around flat earth.
Some ideas and concepts people come up with are simply not true.
This doesn’t need to be a thread. It’s old news.
Sometimes you gotta say it twice to get it right
yes some traditions are void of eternal virtues, we dont rate those!
but yes, about gender... sexual and gender expression has long been multifarious and fluid and ambiguous gender expression is, as you know, well documented throughout history. problems arise though when that fact meets with the broader, deconstructionist gender theories of academics like Judith Butler (or rather, Judith Butler in particular) who use skepticism, irreverence and irony to challenge the very notions of the existence of any objective reality, truth, morality, a fundamental human nature or essence
assuming arguendo that "tradition is a means of establishing permanence in an otherwise contingent and chaotic world" thus it is particularly intellectually defeasible for the multiplicities of gender manifest across time and space in human history to be marshaled by Butler types in a deconstructive attempt to establish contingency and chaos as the only permanence
@Yarrow77 needs some they/them p**** that s*** will change your life forever
i used to think she/they was hot till i seen she/they got negative ass
pic? cuz I swear I seen ass
Ideology and concepts are not always truths.
Example, eugenics is a flawed and corrupt ideology. There are literally mf’s that’s while ideology revolves around flat earth.
Some ideas and concepts people come up with are simply not true.
OK but transidentity is not part of those it's a real thing that has been part of. Human history for a looooooong time
genders are a concept created by humans.
You could argue nature created “genders” and not humans because there are female and male plants
You could argue nature created “genders” and not humans because there are female and male plants
female and male aren't genders
assuming arguendo that "tradition is a means of establishing permanence in an otherwise contingent and chaotic world" thus it is particularly intellectually defeasible for the multiplicities of gender manifest across time and space in human history to be marshaled by Butler types in a deconstructive attempt to establish contingency and chaos as the only permanence
very Paglia-esque