Abe was the longest running prime minster in Japan’s history. He has chose to step down due to Ulcerative Colitis at age 65...
He was known for economic policies, which many referred to as “Abenomics”
Now Japan's declining birth rate is somebody else's problem
they need Americans to come over and fix that
Led a nation of losers
This said losers first
Thought u was talking bout the USA for a min
Now Japan's declining birth rate is somebody else's problem
they need Americans to come over and fix that
the US birth rate is also pretty bad
how on earth do u even improve japan birth rate ? , tell everyone to f***?
Huge baby bonuses
how on earth do u even improve japan birth rate ? , tell everyone to f***?
Reduce working hours
how on earth do u even improve japan birth rate ? , tell everyone to f***?
P**** enlargement pills
Reduce working hours
hardwork is a cultural thing, reduction of working hours wouldn’t do much
how on earth do u even improve japan birth rate ? , tell everyone to f***?
This doesn't have to do anything with not having sex. The environment just doesn't really support having more than 1 kid unless you are well off. You can look at their birth rate, it all started going down once their economy got f***ed.
That's why Americans dumb as hell with their "Just f***" statement.