Blueprint 3 has hits for days
Being born at the tail end of the 90s, I always Jay growing up but this is the album I connected to as it coincided with when I really started getting into music. Very underrated in his discog
Song's whack but congrats to both.
One of the best pop songs ever made
As a New York nigga...this s*** is f***in terrible. One of the worst New York anthems ever made.
As a New York nigga...this s*** is f***in terrible. One of the worst New York anthems ever made.
The hate for this song makes me sad. This was such an important song to me growing up. Probably just because mtv played it literally every morning before school but f*** I love this cheesy ass song
One of the best pop songs ever made
Garbage. Been in the club in the city and a DJ put this on and we all stared at the DJ in the booth like he was f***in trippin. Ain't nobody tryna hear that when it's so many other better rap songs about New York. Keep that tourist s*** out the club.