  • Dec 22, 2021

    Love Ye, but let's be honest his live performances are ok... that Larry Hoover concert was great for nostalgia purposes but he's a boring performer for the most part


  • Dec 22, 2021

    MJ is bigger than Coachella

    the f*** is he talking about

  • Zaywop 💰
    Dec 22, 2021

    I’m not forming an opinion until KingOfPop speaks

  • Dec 22, 2021

    Love Ye, but let's be honest his live performances are ok... that Larry Hoover concert was great for nostalgia purposes but he's a boring performer for the most part

    also cap

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Jay z bouta start his own “Kanye in ‘16” era

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Dec 22, 2021



  • Dec 22, 2021

    Every MJ performance was its own Coachella( and bigger) and 100x better than Bey.


  • Dec 22, 2021
    Born Ready

    Jay z bouta start his own “Kanye in ‘16” era

    And Rob Markman will still salivate at his every word

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply
    Mmm Hmm

    Yes. I wish Mike Dean toned it down a bit. But that didnt detract from the overall experience

    See, I've been to three Kanye shows, the only one that I liked was the second Donda show in ATL this summer.

    I remember seeing him during the Yeezus tour and the show was really annoying for some reason. Something about the sound quality that I don't see/hear at other concerts. I went to a Life of Pablo tour too, same issue.

    But his stage presence and stage design is amazing. He's great at that.

    Im also the only one that had that complaint in my group of friends so I do realize I'm being a bit of a hater but it's just my experience

  • Dec 22, 2021

    The Donda shows were better because he wasn't actually performing the songs.

  • Dec 22, 2021

    I don't think bey has a longer track record
    janet was A1 in the 80s/90s/00s
    she is considered a better dancer by most and has more versatile and groundbreaking performances spanning multiple decades

    Janet also has a better records. Janet in the 90s > Michael in the 90s that's how incredible she was.

  • Dec 22, 2021

    All I’mma say is

    MJ wouldn’t need Coachella, Coachella would need him.

    MJ had people fainting from standing and doing nothing. Only other performers close to that were The Beatles, and even they didn’t touch him.

  • Dec 22, 2021
    Mmm Hmm

    The Stadium singing I wonder thoooooo

    i was fuking shook

    imagine being there in person


    Yeah that was a Kanye moment. I know it's a fan favourite but I hadn't realised just how big it is.

  • Dec 22, 2021

    You think so? I'm not too keen on Janet. I do remember she had that banger tho

    "All the girls in the party, look at that body" or whatever

    yes I think so and so do her peers in this new doc dropping next year

  • Dec 22, 2021

    Extremely bad take

  • he's trying way too hard to be like kanye with his headline grabbing attempts, giving me second.hand embarrassment

    what he doesn't understand is that kanye's rants rarely feel calculated, even if some are

    the s*** jay z has been saying tonight is so lame and boring and so obviously calculated

  • Dec 22, 2021

  • Dec 22, 2021
    3 replies

    it's still a dumbass statement, jay just doesn't know what he's talking about
    MJ broke concert attendance and viewership records in his day that beyonce hasn't even come close to breaking....
    there is no "back then they didn't reach people" lmao MJ reached everybody

    A Coachella performance that is live streamed and recorded on YouTube reaches more people than a MJ performance that was live broadcasted on TV

    that's the entire point. He's not discussing legacy or trying to disrespect that man

    i get that those same performances are now also on YouTube but i going to assume (based on the context) he was discussing their reach within his era

  • Dec 22, 2021

    Why didn’t he stop the show?

    point made lmfao. I'm mad I laughed at this.

    Rebuttal: None of them was dying.

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    You can disagree with the nigga


    But the quote is being framed in a way to ignite this Stan war bullshit

  • Dec 22, 2021
    Old Man Robin

    You can disagree with the nigga


    But the quote is being framed in a way to ignite this Stan war bullshit

    Obviously we disagree with him. Bey not touching MJ, she probably not even touching Janet.

  • Dec 22, 2021
    Old Man Robin

    A Coachella performance that is live streamed and recorded on YouTube reaches more people than a MJ performance that was live broadcasted on TV

    that's the entire point. He's not discussing legacy or trying to disrespect that man

    i get that those same performances are now also on YouTube but i going to assume (based on the context) he was discussing their reach within his era

    If that was his point then it’s a pretty stupid point ngl lol

  • Dec 22, 2021

    Them guitars didn't piss you off?

  • Dec 22, 2021
    Old Man Robin

    A Coachella performance that is live streamed and recorded on YouTube reaches more people than a MJ performance that was live broadcasted on TV

    that's the entire point. He's not discussing legacy or trying to disrespect that man

    i get that those same performances are now also on YouTube but i going to assume (based on the context) he was discussing their reach within his era

    I don't think u understand how many people watched tv back then and that MJ broke records for tv viewership as well

    then he toured the world and broke records in venues that exist today still yet beyonce or anyone else for that matter hasn't broken those attendance records (bey has never toured like MJ)

    I really don't get what jay is alluding to, what are the numbers that coachella set did on streaming (netflix)? if the numbers were record breaking Im sure they would have been reported by bey's pr team, no?
    all I know is that the full show on youtube has been watched a little over 2M times....y'all have to be kidding me lmao

  • Dec 22, 2021
    2 replies

    He's right MJ is extremely overrated
