it hurts my soul knowing how swaggerless jeff bezos is being that f***ing rich
no respect to the man whatsoever where the f*** is your VVS'???
Rich white folk stay having 0 drip
Damn you could be worth almost 200 billy and your girl would still leave you 😔
Why did i just picture jeff wearing a friends and family amazon nike x amazon air jordan collab.
Jeff Bezos in those new Yeezy loafers for the sophisticated business clasz
This Jeff Bezos 2.0 nigga pulled her?
It should’ve been me.
just so you can cheat?
it hurts my soul knowing how swaggerless jeff bezos is being that f***ing rich
no respect to the man whatsoever where the f*** is your VVS'???
if its drip/money id rather be 70/30 than 30/70
this is why 80% of ktt works at mcdonalds
wait I knew both they bald asses reminded me of somebody
forgot about these hoes
Science teacher to marrying a billionaire
Imagine he still has to pay for s*** cause he’s the man
wait I knew both they bald asses reminded me of somebody
Imagine he still has to pay for s*** cause he’s the man
get that big sister!