You saying I’m wrong?
can remember like 3 jokes in the first season that are super awkward after the hotel masturbation thing came out lol
louie is hilarious and i wish i could never hear jerrod carmichael's voicr again. like watching molasses drip from a tree
I do like that during the Carmichael Show him and the writers would call up his real mom and say s*** like “Jerrod was arrested” just to record her raw reaction so they could use that dialogue in the show
I do like that during the Carmichael Show him and the writers would call up his real mom and say s*** like “Jerrod was arrested” just to record her raw reaction so they could use that dialogue in the show
Nigga that’s sociopathic
can remember like 3 jokes in the first season that are super awkward after the hotel masturbation thing came out lol
I was talking about the show and stand up
Nigga that’s sociopathic
lol whatever it takes to help the creative process
She’s a stupid boomer lol
my mom is a christian black woman in her 60s, so glad she’s not on some ignorant s*** like this
How many times he done cheated on his man
It’s disgusting
Makes me look at him so differently
This guy sucks man
the more i know about him the more i dislike like he has no redeemable qualities
This is like a 2024 American Psycho without the murders.
Remarkably hard to watch
Remarkably hard to watch
Dude is discarding people left and right, like he has no feelings or deep connections too anyone.
Because he is famous and rich, he can just throw people out and find new.
That makes it interesting that he feels he falls in love with Tyler, another narcissist who have not connection with others.
So much narcissistic behavior in this, but some of the best reality tv I have seen