Kanye wishes
Squatters rights
1st of all this is including all streaming platforms
2nd of all this is Drake at his peak
Kanye is 20 years in and dropped a gospel album
Please stop coming into Ye threads please
Crazy feat and don’t expect any less however it’s hard to compare drake to ye especially given the things Ye has done to hurt his name and the way he releases music
Kanye wishes
nobody wishes kanye dropped that trust me bro
good album if not a classic. hope people realise one day
Great album if you a believer in Jesus
If not then probably not for you
Stand up for my home
Even if I take this walk ALONE
Bow down to the king upon the THRONE
life is His I’m no longer my own
nobody wishes kanye dropped that trust me bro
Ye stans would call it a classic like they do with ye and jik
Great album if you a believer in Jesus
If not then probably not for you
I'm not I can still appreciate the melodies, production, delivery etc
Just needed a month or so extra work on it to polish it up
Ye stans would call it a classic like they do with ye and jik
ye and Jik, classic? oh man ye my favorite artist but thats delusion
nobody wishes kanye dropped that trust me bro
Kanye furthest thing from GOAT in any measures now
Stand up for my home
Even if I take this walk ALONE
Bow down to the king upon the THRONE
life is His I’m no longer my own