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  • Dec 10, 2019

    Idk what he could do to get me interested again it makes me sad, he’s done

  • Dec 10, 2019
    Halloween Jack

    Oh yes cause OP Relates to when Kanye rapped about fisting a******s on Yeezus and s*** no cause I don’t got to relate to albums to like them Also why are you still on here? Go back to reddit already clown

    You’re actually the biggest idiot on this site. How do you relate to “when the Forbes cover was just a mirage”? Are you on the cover of Forbes? That’s how f***ing stupid you sound

  • Dec 10, 2019

    This is where you lost me OP, I agreed with everything else.

    Kanye isn’t even clever enough to scam anyone

    Joel Osteen not Kanye

  • Dec 10, 2019

    Thas cool op, I still love the album

  • Spooky Ghost

    I can’t connect with this Jesus crap that Kanye keeps going on about. Last time I could really connect with his music was KSG and unless he releases secular music again, Kanye’s time is officially up for me. It’s been a great decade of stanning, but if Kanye in the 2020s continues this God trash then I’ll be out. This forum isn’t even that good anymore now that all people talk about is trying to justify JIK when they can’t just accept that it’s actually just a mid album.


  • how is this not locked yet

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