  • Nov 3, 2019

    The amount of reviewers marking JIK down because they don't believe Kanye is completely Christian is seriously damaging.

    Imagine being this hypocritical.

    A man tries to do good and you mark him down because he's not perfect. They should look in the mirror.

  • Nov 3, 2019
    1 reply

    Who cares b. They are just people like you and me. If they dislike it, fine. If they like it, fine.

    What's important if you can enjoy it

  • Nov 3, 2019

    Who cares b. They are just people like you and me. If they dislike it, fine. If they like it, fine.

    What's important if you can enjoy it

    Im with you there. I'll never hang on the words of a person telling me if they like something or not as a basis of if I will. A review can give you valid criticisms yeah but beyond that ill judge the content myself.

  • Nov 3, 2019

    The amount of reviewers marking JIK down because they don't believe Kanye is completely Christian is seriously damaging.

    Imagine being this hypocritical.

    A man tries to do good and you mark him down because he's not perfect. They should look in the mirror.

    I do agree people feeling like they can judge what's in someone elses heart and about their faith is comple bs.