There’s a huge circlejerk on here of people that won’t take any criticism of Kanye whatsoever and it’s f***ing annoying. TLOP was one thing but this is a new level. Ktt2 needs some vetting process to make sure you aren’t a dumbass before you join this site because some of the new people on here are STOOPID
This is a projection. The majority of this section is lukewarm on it and/or see it as one of his weakest. It's not the overwhelming consensus like say with Ye so of course you're gonna find some people that disagree with you, but that doesn't make it a circle jerk.
facts but you know that they’ll stay completely oblivious to their mindless d***riding so why even bother posting this lmao
Here's the thing: Music is subjective
You've endlessly fawned over Yeezus and KSG and no one's called you out for it
Here's the thing: Music is subjective
You've endlessly fawned over Yeezus and KSG and no one's called you out for it
Here's the thing: Music is subjective
You've endlessly fawned over Yeezus and KSG and no one's called you out for it
Ballsac onto something
I have less of a problem with the music (I like JIK more than the casual, less than the stan) than I do the general era. Sunday service has gotten so ridiculously stale to me.
Not ever project has to be Top of career tier. JIK is personally very highly ranked for me, but understand it isn’t for everyone. Mindless criticism is what I don’t particularly like seeing, because this is one of Kanye’s happiest era’s and that is what matters the most.
Also this
I think JIK is wacky as well but I don’t be making threads about it
I just listen to Kanye’s s*** I like
Stop treating TLOP like it killed your wife and spat on her corpse.
Pablo is a WAY better album than JIK or Ye and stands up with the rest of the first 7 albums and KSG
Also JIK just an album and it was extremely hated at initial release, people backtracked and are thinking critically about it now
I have less of a problem with the music (I like JIK more than the casual, less than the stan) than I do the general era. Sunday service has gotten so ridiculously stale to me.
he has completely abandoned being an entertainer
i know its a bitter pill to swallow... but the sooner you do, the sooner you can appreciate his current work for it is, and his past work for what it was
There’s a huge circlejerk on here of people that won’t take any criticism of Kanye whatsoever and it’s f***ing annoying. TLOP was one thing but this is a new level. Ktt2 needs some vetting process to make sure you aren’t a dumbass before you join this site because some of the new people on here are STOOPID
Everyone I don’t agree with is STOOPID
I can’t believe you’re still using this logic. Hoping you catch on soon enough
Here's the thing: Music is subjective
You've endlessly fawned over Yeezus and KSG and no one's called you out for it
he has completely abandoned being an entertainer
i know its a bitter pill to swallow... but the sooner you do, the sooner you can appreciate his current work for it is, and his past work for what it was
I agree, I am very happy he is at peace with himself and doing what HE wants to do not what WE want him to do, BUT I agree with spooky, I think we need to be able to have some talks about his recent endeavors. The opera at the hollywood bowl was flat out, objectively, bad. rushed, silly, a tad ignorant.
he has completely abandoned being an entertainer
i know its a bitter pill to swallow... but the sooner you do, the sooner you can appreciate his current work for it is, and his past work for what it was
an entertainer that we've come to know him
now he's more of a "curator"
you need jesus
I agree, I am very happy he is at peace with himself and doing what HE wants to do not what WE want him to do, BUT I agree with spooky, I think we need to be able to have some talks about his recent endeavors. The opera at the hollywood bowl was flat out, objectively, bad. rushed, silly, a tad ignorant.
how can something that has never been done before be objectively bad? what can you comparing it to? other operas that take multiple years to produce?
nigga spent a couple weeks rehearsing an idea he had in his head... and put it out to the world
then did it again with mary
he is just experimenting in real time... not for any acclaim but because he CAN. a true living and breathing artist