Imagine an album with childs play not being at best a 5/10
your girlfriend went to a season opener basketball game and it shows
Scorpion Side A is a 8/10 tbh
Eh I guess but we have Drake's worst song in there too I'm Upset
Imagine the album with Feel No Ways not being at least an 8/10
Feel no ways
how did drake mess up pop style on views
your girlfriend went to a season opener basketball game and it shows
how did drake mess up pop style on views
drake and ye are like water and oil
had a spark when they started but now their just garbage
i still like saturation i just never listen to it
Those people really thought replacing Ameer’s gap with JOBA verses was a good idea
How tf did this turn into a drake thread
We talking about the mid album JIK here
he took off HOV and ye
Of course the week it came out people are gonna be listening to it lol he's the biggest artist out, why would u not want to listen to the new drake album
So why has it never happened to the same extent before or since. album had the entire country captivated
How tf did this turn into a drake thread
We talking about the mid album JIK here
albums so forgettable we talkin bout other s***
Those people really thought replacing Ameer’s gap with JOBA verses was a good idea
joba might be one of the worst rappers ive ever heard they need to stop tryna make that nigga happen
How tf did this turn into a drake thread
We talking about the mid album JIK here
How do you have both Chance and Brockamptom in your favorite Spotify artists
Those people really thought replacing Ameer’s gap with JOBA verses was a good idea
they took a comedic downfall since he left. ginger was decent but production wise only
your girlfriend went to a season opener basketball game and it shows
Haha jokes on you i dont have a girlfriend!