Pusha L sucks
It's Almost Good
Weird beat selection
bro trash af
u like that 1
it made me laugh not gonna lie
i try to be funny
i like it
Pusha T sucks tho no cap
Pusha T sucks tho no cap
I honestly like Pusha but I agree all this beef s*** is getting kinda played out no lie
I honestly like Pusha but I agree all this beef s*** is getting kinda played out no lie
Ok im not quite a papis angel but im not quite a pusha lover i love drake
I just think his (pushas) music is bland and repetitive
Did Jim Jones pick some experimental type beat its kinda hard
I think thats the same beat pusha was rapping over wasn't it?
Pusha T sucks tho no cap
*Has Wheelchair Jimmy in his top artists
*Has Wheelchair Jimmy in his top artists
Drake makes replayable outside music bro
That being said, I like Move that dope, Mercy, the one song w the cool beat, the song w tyler, Nosetalgia, mpa, mbdtf, etc
Numbers on the Board
idk man.....
Throw some Ds on that b****!