Happy Birthday to the first US president to win the noble peace prize.
According to Julian Assange of Wiki leaks Jimmy possesses a hand written letter from Imam Khomeini. I believe this mighty artefact is the secret to his lengthily and prosperous life.
Happy Birthday to the first US president to win the noble peace prize.
According to Julian Assange of Wiki leaks Jimmy possesses a hand written letter from Imam Khomeini. I believe this mighty artefact is the secret to his lengthily and prosperous life.
Sounds like a fair trade to me!
is he doing good though? last i heard he was dealing with some type of health problem
is he doing good though? last i heard he was dealing with some type of health problem
He's been in hospice for months, so obviously he isn't doing well, but at the same time, he's lasting far longer than they expected him to (words of his own grandson)
He's been in hospice for months, so obviously he isn't doing well, but at the same time, he's lasting far longer than they expected him to (words of his own grandson)
oh damn i forgot he was in hospice at least he's still hanging on
Didn't he start his death proceedings a year ago
Hospice means nothing!
A letter from the Imam has healing powers.
Jimmy Carter is a founder of the Islamic republic. He is regarded as a custodian of the Hidden Imam.
Hospice means nothing!
A letter from the Imam has healing powers.
Jimmy Carter is a founder of the Islamic republic. He is regarded as a custodian of the Hidden Imam.
edit: op kinda cooked me lol
edit: op kinda cooked me lol
There is a link with the letter in the op
There is a link with the letter in the op
that's not gonna heal him man
There is a link with the letter in the op
Jullian assange in op and theories to a prosperous life sounds a bit schitzo
Hospice means nothing!
A letter from the Imam has healing powers.
Jimmy Carter is a founder of the Islamic republic. He is regarded as a custodian of the Hidden Imam.
Inshallah al-Jim ibn Carter
Evil people live the longest!
Hope not. Yours day are numbered otherwise cutie