This is so great ๐
@Johan_DeVito @Biginthegame @prince @free @AtTheEquinox@Flosh @Soupvillain @grimes @Goo @nonamestreets14 @YANDHI @Prbz @AP3 @texmaker @AmoryBlain @DirtyTrees @Thread_Critic_PhD @LegendShkreli
@tadow @just_MG @Fahim @Moka_Beans @Beers@XantaClaus @TFM @Campari @Ithaka
@Makoprix @JulesW @MORPHE @Sarcoid @deadac @safe @TYDOLLA @Bow_And_Arrow @Hedobevibindoe @Jetpack @thankmelater @fiveprestos @Broswisskey @garetare @Platinum @SlicedBread
@localblaccmane @danny @doves @proper @BIGGWAVE @mm6margiela @wintinger @mink @floofymane @Bestowed @EuroNymous @blockbeataz
@Notmyfirst @Aquilla @voriox @purrple_rain @uouj
@hadjigaviota @YoungNastyShawty
Well worth hearing & the questions are excellent
I f***in love this podcast so much in general this was a great listen
saw this pod a few months ago it was dope as f***
thank god they finally got a official youtube page now, it was exclusively available on spotify for a while and really hard to find