I was going to make this thread but fell back asleep. Crazy KTT style collab. Song is so sick
I ain't the biggest fan of the drank flow
Happy my mans got that look but I ain't need it
wild collab
I wonder why that song blew up so crazy recently that album came out like a year ago. I’m glad tho because jmsn is too dope, that one album with inferno was crazy
I wonder why that song blew up so crazy recently that album came out like a year ago. I’m glad tho because jmsn is too dope, that one album with inferno was crazy
Ahhh figured makes sense, just was so random lol I f***s with it though soft spot a bop
Drums were already perfect but love the little touches he added for the remix
And sada bodied this wtf
no way
jmsn has always been tapped in
my lord that was incredible
Sada killed this s*** fr, I Like The Way You Move tier smooth
Any song that starts with this is the reeeeeeemix is gonna hit